A persuasive essay should be a fully researched argument.

Question # 00572077 Posted By: neil2103 Updated on: 08/06/2017 03:13 AM Due on: 08/06/2017
Subject Business Topic International Business Tutorials:
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buying Vs Leasing a car or Buying Vs renting a house.

APA format with five pages plus title and reference page

Requirements for Persuasive Essay


A persuasive essay should be a fully researched argument. The topic is the subject of the essay and the thesis is the focus concerning the topic. There must be at leasttwo opposing sidesto the argument for an essay to be considered persuasive. Think about persuading someone to agree with your point-of-view. That is what a writer of a persuasive essay is trying to accomplish, to make their point so well, with such strong supporting information, that they sway opinion to their way of thinking.


This essay must adhere to APA (American Psychological Association) guidelines. This mean you must check your work to make sure every part of it, from the title page to the ending citations, agree with APA guidelines. This is not simply an exercise in English or writing. This is a study in how to follow directions. It shows your attention to detail. It shows your ability to grasp the complexities of higher thinking and to reason out what is important and what is superfluous.


Your papers should be not less than five full pages.This does not include the title page nor the citation page. This means five pages of essay (which is only 2.5 pages since it will be double-spaced). You must have at least five (5) high-quality citation sources, although they do not have to be scholarly sources. If you site blogs, vids or other contemporary sources refer to APA guidelines. The credibility of your sources is very important. Social media sources are not acceptable.


Remember that Turnitin will show the originality of your paper. I’m looking for between 20 and 45% originality. This means that more than 50% of your paper is your words, ideas and writing. It also means that 20-45% of your paper is research that you have appropriately cited. Don’t forget to watch the video on the APA Style Guide link for the basic format you need to use. Please don’t plagiarize or try to recycle a paper you’ve written for another class. I will be able to tell through Turnitin that you’ve lifted directly from another with author without proper citations or that you have tried to recycle a paper. This will result in a failing grade.


A draft of your paper, which will not be graded, is due on Tuesday, August 8. I will review your drafts and post my comments directly on your papers in Turnitin within a few days. This gives you ample time to work on your essays over the next week. If you do not turn in your draftby classon August 8, the portal will close and you will not receive feedback to help improve your writing.The final paper is due on Thursday, August 17Speeches will be during the final class on Thursday, August 24. Speeches will be a condensed version of the persuasive paper.


When uploading your document, please name it the title of your paper. Do not leave it untitled nor simply use the words essay or persuasive essay. Always name your files and head your emails in a way that indicates who you are and/or the subject. This is a habit you should acquire. It is expected in the business world.


Our librarians will always be available to help you with research and APA style questions.


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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00569792 Posted By: neil2103 Posted on: 08/06/2017 03:14 AM
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    The solution of A persuasive essay should be a fully researched argument....
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