Transformational Change - Develop a transformational project

Question # 00865907 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 01/03/2025 08:52 PM Due on: 01/04/2025
Subject Education Topic General Education Tutorials:
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Transformational Change

Develop a transformational project for your chosen brand by selecting one of the following:

  1. Implementing AI into its products or services.
  2. Transitioning the company to carbon neutrality.
  3. ERP Implementation.


  1. 1. General Introduction of the brand and the transformation project

o Provide an overview of the chosen brand, including its industry, mission, and key facts. 2. Organizational Analysis

Current State and desired future state: Highlight the brand's current situation related to the selected transformation. (Gap Analysis )

Stakeholder analysis

Readiness Assessment for Change: Analyze how prepared the organization is for the transformation. 3. Goal of the Change

o Clearly define the objective and intended outcome of the transformation project. 4. Change Management Framework

o Use Kotter's 8 Steps to outline the process for managing the transformational change. 5. Resistance Management

o Apply the Four Rooms of Change model to address resistance:

  • Identifying Resistance Points: Highlight potential areas of resistance.
  • Strategies to Address Resistance: Develop actionable strategies to overcome them.

6. Employee Engagement and Training

o Explain how employees will be involved and trained throughout the transformation process.

7. Monitoring and Evaluation

o Propose methods for tracking the project's progress and evaluating its success.


PowerPoint document between 12- 14 slides

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00861431 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 01/03/2025 08:53 PM
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