LECTURE VIDEOS - Seven main points are covered

Question # 00865832 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 12/31/2024 05:03 AM Due on: 12/31/2024
Subject Education Topic General Education Tutorials:
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Watch Total Of 45 Videos And Write About What You Watched

Seven main points are covered in each video, and you will write at least one short paragraph on the significance of each. You may choose from any of Dr. Masters’ weekly videos appearing on the University of Metaphysics website or on our YouTube channel. At least three of the video subjects should be on the “Mystical Teachings Of Christ.” ***Each week the University of Metaphysics, located in mystical and majestic Sedona, presents another metaphysical/spiritual Inspirational Lecture featuring Dr. Paul Leon Masters, offering exceptional insights on extraordinary and everyday topics. These have been recorded and posted online.***  
Write about at least two main points covered in Dr. Masters’ daily improve your life audios as they are presented on the University website or our YouTube channel. Every two points for each of the thirty audios should bring forth the significance of the lesson by at least a short paragraph in length.***Each day there is a free 3 to 4-minute “Improve Your Life” audio message and meditation from Dr. Masters offering insights into daily living. These have been recorded and posted online***  


Inspirational Lectures with Metaphysical Affirmations    

Daily Audio: 

Daily Metaphysical/Spiritual Improve Your Life Audio Messages   

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00861354 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 12/31/2024 05:03 AM
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