To continue our travel project theme, we will first complete our data and then create a Pivot Table t
Question # 00765682
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Updated on: 06/18/2020 08:31 AM Due on: 06/30/2020

To continue our travel project theme, we will first complete our data and then create a Pivot Table to provide us with the travelers that have a balance due greater than or equal to $2000.
- Add your name and your travel destination.
- Add first and last names for all travelers.
- Create formulas for the Total and Amount Due columns. (The information is given on the sheet).
- Create a pivot table for the information. Use the travelers, totals, and amount due fields.
- Filter the pivot table to show only those travelers with a balance of 2000 or more. HINT: you should have four (4) travelers after you filter.
- Save the Excel document using the naming convention given at the end of this assignment.

Solution: To continue our travel project theme, we will first complete our data and then create a Pivot Table t