The Importance of Social Media in the Hospitality Industry

Social Media Hotel Industry
Final Paper Proposal Notes
Title: The Importance of Social Media in the Hospitality Industry
Thesis: Hospitality brands can benefit from a strong social media presence.
Intro: Social media can assist hospitality brands to interact directly with hotel guests, build their brand, advertise special offers and promotions, and gain useful feedback through guest reviews.
I. Social media can assist hospitality brands to interact directly with hotel guests.
A. Improved guest engagement that can be personalized for their needs.
B. Increased occupancy levels at the property.
C. Allow hospitality businesses to interact directly with potential and past guests.
II. Assists to build the brand through the advertising of special offers and promotions.
A. Marketing practices to get the word out about upcoming events to be hosted at the property.
B. Consistency in advertising is key.
C. Catchy images can set the tone to entice travelers to visit.
III. Data analysis by gaining useful feedback through guest reviews.
A. Increased guest satisfaction scores.
B. Increased brand loyalty.
C. In analyzing feedback, what works and what needs to change?
Conclusion: Hospitality brands can benefit from a strong social media presence. Social media can assist hospitality brands to interact directly with hotel guests, build their brand, advertise special offers and promotions, and gain useful feedback through guest reviews.
Works Cited:
Aydin, Gökhan. “Social Media Engagement and Organic Post Effectiveness: A Roadmap for Increasing the Effectiveness of Social Media Use in Hospitality Industry.” Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, vol. 29, no. 1, 2020, pp. 1–21,
Majeed, Mohammed, et al. “An Analysis of the Effects of Customer Satisfaction and Engagement on Social Media on Repurchase Intention in the Hospitality Industry.” Cogent Business & Management, vol. 9, no. 1, 2022, pp. 1–19,
Wilbert Manyanga, et al. “The Effect of Social Media Marketing on Brand Loyalty in the Hospitality Industry in Zimbabwe: The Moderating Role of Age.” Cogent Business & Management, vol. 11, no. 1, 2024,
Social Media- Create an argument related to its use in hotel setting, and provide an in-depth analysis that supports your argument. The goal of this paper is for you to research to supplement class materials and subjects.
Social Media (Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, Websites, etc.)
Questions to help you in formulating your argument/analysis:
What is this technology?
How is this technology used in hospitality?
Why is this technology effective or not?
What are the benefits of this technology?
What are the challenges/dangers of this technology?
MLA format
3 pages double-spaced minimum

Solution: The Importance of Social Media in the Hospitality Industry