Week 8 Topic 1 - Tthe ethical use of big data. Look at 3 privacy statements
Question # 00865448
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Updated on: 12/24/2024 08:55 PM Due on: 12/25/2024

W8 T1
At least 3 paragraphs long with 3 peer-reviewed references.
This week we are looking at the ethical use of big data. Look at 3 privacy statements for any companies you choose in a similar industry (retail, banking, automotive, etc) and discuss the similarities and difference between the 3 statements ( post copies of the statements as a Word document for others to see). How do these 3 statements incorporate the ethics policy considerations of transparency, user control, information content, and culture. Do you see any ethical concerns related to one or more of the statements that you selected??

Solution: Week 8 Topic 1 - Tthe ethical use of big data. Look at 3 privacy statements