The ability to recognize and accurately represent a leadership

The ability to recognize and accurately represent a leadership issue or crisis and communicate key aspects to organizational leadership is crucial to implementing evidence-based leadership strategies to improve outcomes.
This assignment provides an opportunity for you to act as a leadership consultant who is proposing to help leaders of an organization resolve a management or leadership issue or crisis.
By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assignment criteria:
- Competency 1: Analyze contemporary health care issues from an evidence-based leadership perspective.
- Describe a specific management or leadership issue or crisis that can be resolved through an evidence-based leadership approach.
- Identify organizational conditions that led to a specific management or leadership issue or crisis.
- Competency 2: Apply evidence-based leadership principles to problem-solving in real-world health care organizations.
- Outline an evidence-based action plan to address a specific management or leadership issue or crisis.
- Competency 3: Propose evidence-based leadership actions and strategic planning options that promote positive behavioral change, collaboration, workforce performance, and outcomes in contemporary health care organizations.
- Explain an evidence-based leadership model or framework to guide the resolution of a specific management or leadership issue or crisis.
- Competency 4: Communicate effectively with diverse audiences, in an appropriate form and style consistent with applicable organizational, professional, and scholarly standards.
- Write clearly and concisely in a logically coherent and appropriate form and style.
Professional Context
Note: If you have not already done so, choose the organization you will examine for this assignment and for the three remaining assignments in this course.
For this and all remaining assignments, assume the role of an evidence-based leadership consultant representing a health care consulting firm. Most consultants are hired by organizations to help resolve a situation that requires outside expertise. As the consultant in this scenario, you are reaching out to a health care organization that has experienced a management or leadership issue or crisis that you believe you can help resolve. If hired, you will complete your own research and analysis to provide recommendations to the organization.
You are competing with other consultants for this contract; your work on this assignment will help determine if the organization will hire you.
Write a professional memorandum to the executive leaders of the organization you are proposing to help. Remember that your competitors will be submitting similar memos, so be sure to create an in-depth, persuasive memorandum introducing yourself and what you could do to aid the organizational leadership.
Use a professional memorandum template.
- You may use a Microsoft Word template (linked in Resources), a template from another Internet source, or a template used in your current organization.
- Because you are representing a fictional consulting company, feel free to be creative in naming your firm and designing your memorandum letterhead.
- You need not apply APA style when writing your memorandum. A professional memorandum is generally written in block format, with no paragraph indent, and is single spaced, with a double space between paragraphs. A memorandum is not signed at the bottom. Citations are not used on professional memorandums.

Solution: The ability to recognize and accurately represent a leadership