RES8921 Discussion 3 - Hypothesis Testing
Question # 00849711
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Updated on: 01/14/2024 10:09 PM Due on: 01/15/2024
Discussion 3: Hypotheses
Hypothesis Testing
Refer to your Huck text and the chapter titled, "Hypothesis Testing" (or some other source) and then provide the following information:
Based from the variables you presented in the second discussion write a Null and Alternate hypothesis.
Ho: Null
Ha: Alternate
The Huck text chapter on hypothesis testing offers many different examples of null and alternate hypothesis. Once you've stated your hypotheses, then read the final section of the chapter, The Meaning of Significance. Discuss whether or not you think the tests of your hypotheses may be significant in casual everyday language and in terms of statistical significance.
Solution: RES8921 Discussion 3 - Hypothesis Testing