The gluten free diet has been around for decades. Interestingly
Question # 00849515
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Updated on: 01/09/2024 03:32 AM Due on: 01/09/2024

Gluten Free Diet
The gluten free diet has been around for decades. Interestingly, about a year ago, the person who started this craze came out publicly and admitted that this diet does not work for the majority of people. Gosh, it's nice that he announces this, after he has made a lot of money and gained a lot of publicity around this ineffective treatment. Oh well, better late than never,
Discuss the risks of this diet. Discuss how behavior analysts should approach this issue with families. What about individuals who may have a true sensitivity or allergy? Must we be sensitive to this? (about 2-3 pages)

Solution: The gluten free diet has been around for decades. Interestingly