REGIS NU643 2021 January Week 4 Discussion Latest

NU643 Advanced Psychopharmacology
Week 4 Discussion
Psychosis Case Study
Initial Post
Psychiatric Interviews for Teaching: Psychosis (12:29 minutes)
Psychiatric Interviews for Teaching: Psychosis Video Transcript
Follow the steps to complete this discussion:
Watch the video.
Use the readings and references to complete the worksheet, Case Study Questions (Word).
Please use proper citations and APA format.
Post your responses to the questions to this discussion board.
Reply Posts
Critique the decision making of two of your peers in your response posts.
Do you agree/disagree with their medication choice? Why?
Is there anything else you recommend including?
Compare peer's decision making to yours—what are the advantages and disadvantages of each?
Your response should include evidence of review of the course material through proper citations using APA format.
Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this discussion will be graded. The described expectations meet the passing level of 80%. Students are directed to review the Discussion Grading Rubric for criteria which exceed expectations.

Solution: REGIS NU643 2021 January Week 4 Discussion Latest