Summarize the difference between monitor and control project work

Question # 00789847 Posted By: dr.tony Updated on: 01/16/2021 08:43 AM Due on: 01/16/2021
Subject Education Topic General Education Tutorials:
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Question: 1

Read this article ( Summarize the difference between “monitor and control project work” and “integrated change control.” Describe a situation that illustrates to a layperson what integrated change control is and how it’s done.  Be sure to include your strategy for performing the integrated change control. Your scenario does not have to be something strictly business related. You might find a scenario that applies in something that you are passionate about as a hobby, so have fun with it. Must be in 400 words not including reference.

Question: 2

Please review the State of New Jersey Department of Transportation Change Control Board Procedures, and respond to the following items:

a. Please provide a summary of the change control board tasks on p. 5. How specific are they?

b. Please discuss the value of the templates that are used for the change control process. Must be in 400 words not including reference.

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00789803 Posted By: dr.tony Posted on: 01/16/2021 08:44 AM
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