Management Essay - There is no universal definition

Question # 00825975 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 06/17/2022 11:59 PM Due on: 06/18/2022
Subject Business Topic General Business Tutorials:
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Brighton University Management Essay

Questions: 1. There is no universal definition of quality. Our opinion of what makes “Good Quality” will depend on many factors such as, but not limited to culture, availability, our relation to the goods or services in question, peer group pressure, experiences and time. Examine the role of how our relationship to a given product or service will affect the way in which we appraise the quality of that particular product or service. Give at least three examples, exclusive of any examples that may have been used in the lectures, illustrating how different groups may evaluate the quality of the same product differently.

2. What are business excellence models and what is their purpose? What are the general features of business excellence models? How do American, European, and Japanese excellence models compare to each other in terms of their structure, features, and emphasis?

3. Research and examine the concept of “Lean Manufacturing”. Explain this concept and give at least three examples of how a company could use the concept of “Lean” to lower the environmental impact of their manufacturing process.

4. How can Industry 4.0 technologies change supplier quality management audits? Give a few examples of some technologies underlying Industry 4.0 that will have applications in auditing. Give some examples of how some of these technologies are currently being used by organizations to enhance the quality of their supplier audits.

5. It is more difficult to ascertain the quality of services, which cannot be physically measured, than of actual products. One way of judging the acceptance of a service to existing and/or potential users is to actually ask them but this method is known to not always give accurate results. Research this topic. Why is this? What problems arise when conducting written or verbal questionnaires?


You are required to select only one question from the above questions.

Wordlimit: Minimum of 2000 and a maximum of 3000.

A minimum of 3 citations of scholarly sources at least using Harvard Referencing Style. All articles must be published within the past five years (between 2014 – 2019). The references must consist of (i) peer-reviewed articles, (ii) books, (iii) government and NGO reports and, (iv) Doctoral dissertation or theses. When citing from websites, news paper articles, blogs, and/or company’s marketing promotional material as references you must ensure that they are valid and/or reliable. Make a PowerPoint with bullet point for the presentation.

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Tutorials for this Question
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