PROJ587 Week 1 Memo Assignment 2022

Question # 00822095 Posted By: shortone Updated on: 04/02/2022 11:34 PM Due on: 04/27/2022
Subject Business Topic General Business Tutorials:
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Your reading this week has opened your eyes as it relates to program management. You realize now that your organization does not clearly understand the difference between program management, project management, and portfolio management.
To help educate your organization, create a memo that explains the differences between program management, project management, and portfolio management.
Use the Purdue OWL Memo Format (Links to an external site.).
Your memo should be at least one full page but no more than 2 pages.
Your memo should be created specifically for the organization you work for (If you aren't employed, you can use DeVry University or use an organization you worked for in the past or an organization you want to work for in the future).
In addition to our reading, find 3 other scholarly sources to help you build your memo's argument.
View the following Popular vs Scholarly Sources video so that you understand the difference between scholarly sources vs. popula

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00817492 Posted By: shortone Posted on: 04/02/2022 11:35 PM
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