Management and the role of human resources

Assignment 5
Required reading:
· Indeed. (2022, March 29). 13 key functions of a human resources departmentLinks to an external site. .
· Segal, J. A. (2021, March 9). When people managers should contact HR Links to an external site. . HR Magazine.
· Walden University, LLC. (2022). People First San Diego Links to an external site. [Interactive media]. Walden University Canvas.
· van Geffen, C. (2020). Optimizing team effectiveness and performance by using the cycle of team development Links to an external site. . Transactional Analysis Journal, 50(4), 298–314.
The human resources department plays a vital role in any social work organization. You may think of the unit as responsible for recruiting and hiring, managing employee benefits, and monitoring employee engagement. But for those in management positions, human resources also becomes a partner in working through personnel issues—such as violations of established conduct, ethical or legal wrongs, and poor performance.
· In this Assignment, you explore a scenario in which you must consult with human resources in order to resolve a personnel issue occurring with a staff member under your management.
To prepare:
· Review the Learning Resources on leadership skills and the role of human resources.
· Explore the following scenario. Consider how you would address the situation and consult with the human resources department.
You serve as the Director of Clinical Services within the People First San Diego organization. In team meetings, longtime employee Patrice, a woman in her later 50s, is often belittling and condescending toward Bo, another social worker. Patrice rolls her eyes at Bo’s ideas and mutters under her breath. Further, Patrice often needs to be corrected for using the wrong pronoun to describe Bo (who uses “they” and “them”). You are not sure why this dynamic is occurring, but you suspect it has something to do with Bo being young and identifying as nonbinary.
Patrice may see herself as the “old guard” who needs to establish order and police the team. Bo has not voiced any concern about the situation; however, other members of the team have expressed discomfort to you. When you address the comments individually with Patrice, she explains that she doesn’t realize she has been doing it and implies that you are being too “touchy.” The comments and behavior continue, and you are not sure what to do. You decide to consult with the human resources department.
Submit a 2-page paper (not including title page and references) in which you:
· Explain the role of human resources within an organization and how the department supports managers.
· Analyze the personnel situation within the scenario.
· Describe how you would address the personnel situation through consultation with human resources.
Use the Learning Resources to support your Assignment. Make sure to provide APA citations and a reference list.

Solution: Management and the role of human resources