The Role Of HR In Navigating Ethical Challenges
Question # 00852474
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Updated on: 03/28/2024 04:03 AM Due on: 03/28/2024

The Role Of HR In Navigating Ethical Challenges
In our readings this week, we have explored the role of HR in building a culture of trust and in addressing potential integrity violations within their organization.
Find an article from the last 12 months, published in The Wall Street Journal or another reputable source, about an ethical challenge a specific organization has faced. Look for issues related to major topics in the news, such as the #MeToo Movement, social justice, diversity and inclusion, or COVID-19.
- Post a link to an article and briefly describe the ethical issue that it reports.
- Discuss what the organization did right and what they could have done better. How could HR have played a role in improving the organization's response?
- What was the impact to the business? Were there any financial repercussions? Was anyone terminated as a result of their involvement in a scandal?
- Does your organization have an explicit set of values? Are the same values reinforced at every level of the business?

Solution: The Role Of HR In Navigating Ethical Challenges