Lackawanna MKT105 2021 September Module 3 Discussion (dq1+dq2) Latest

Question # 00812302 Posted By: Ferreor Updated on: 10/16/2021 08:50 AM Due on: 10/16/2021
Subject Marketing Topic Marketing Tutorials:
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MKT105 Principles of Marketing

Module 3 Discussion

DQ1 Reverse Marketing Exercise

Prior to the completion of this discussion board post, please review:

Reading Chapter 5: Developing a Global Vision pg. 70

Chapter 5 Developing a Global Vision PPT  Download Chapter 5 Developing a Global Vision PPT

Common International Foods sold at U.S. grocery stores  (Links to an external site.)

Foreign cars not yet sold in the U.S.  (Links to an external site.)

 Purpose: By completing the “reverse” international marketing by taking a foreign product and marketing it in the United States You can better understand what foreign firms have done wrong in marketing their products in the United States. For this reverse marketing exercise, you will be pretending that you are an international company trying to enter the U.S. market with your good. The easiest approach is through a type of food item, yet you can choose to be a foreign car company or other foreign company with a product that you want to sell in the U.S.

Activity: Please complete the following questions in relation to the foreign product you chose.

What is the name of the product? (please include a link to the website where you found it).

Create strategies based on these global marketing mix areas:

Target market:

Who should be the target market in the United States?

What variables will be used to select the target market?

Product: Will any adaptation be made to the product features?

What about the packaging?

The brand name?

Price: What is a good retail price for the product?


How will the product be communicated to the target market?

What promotional message will be used?

What media will be used to reach the target market?


 Where will the product be sold?

In your post please provide at least two APA references to support your answer (You can utilize the textbook). You can utilize the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) (Links to an external site.) website for the correct way to reference the articles used.

DQ2 Ethical Exercise

Prior to the completion of this discussion board post, please review:

Reading: Chapter 6: Consumer Decision Making pg. 96

Chapter 6: Consumer Decision Making PPT Download Chapter 6: Consumer Decision Making PPT

 Background: EyeOnU operates a Web filter service for public schools and libraries to protect students from inappropriate material on the Internet. Like the industry as a whole, the company’s market share has been stagnant for the past two years. Looking for new sources of revenue, the company is considering selling the data it has collected about student surfing habits to marketers trying to learn more about students’ behavior on the Web. The data are anonymous, but privacy advocates are concerned about the precedent of selling information about children to marketers.

Question: What should EyeOnU do? Should it protect the students’ data or should it take the opportunity to create new revenues?

In your post please provide at least two APA references to support your answer (You can utilize the textbook). You can utilize the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)  (Links to an external site.)website for the correct way to reference the articles used.


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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00807515 Posted By: Ferreor Posted on: 10/16/2021 08:55 AM
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