ISSC351 Exercise 4: Identity Theft Prevention Program

Question # 00777995 Posted By: shortone Updated on: 09/19/2020 06:52 PM Due on: 09/29/2020
Subject Computer Science Topic Algorithms Tutorials:
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Exercise 4: Identity Theft Prevention Program


Learning Objectives and Outcomes

You will learn how to create a recommendation for an identify theft prevention program.


Assignment Requirements

To learn more about the ramifications of the Red Flags Rule, you will create a recommendation for an identity theft prevention program for 123 Bank. The program must detect, prevent, and mitigate identify theft in covered accounts, and must include both new and existing accounts. 123 is a banking institution in a small town. It has two branch offices in neighboring towns. The plan should also take into account the size of company.


1.      Identify the warning signs that indicate accounts may have been compromised.

2.      Discuss which warning signs or red flags are of greater importance to 123’s given their size and location. Provide rationale behind your ranking.

3.      For each risk area identified, provide a proposal for how the risk can be mitigated.

4.      Draft a brief summary of your findings.

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00777783 Posted By: shortone Posted on: 09/19/2020 06:53 PM
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