Financial Risk, Insurance & Risk - Describe how you can apply the selected

Question # 00820087 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 02/26/2022 12:51 AM Due on: 02/26/2022
Subject Education Topic General Education Tutorials:
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From the list of financial concepts, pick only 1-2 financial concepts to discuss.

My selected 2 are: Financial Risk, Insurance & Risk

Search for a healthcare finance related article on the concepts.

In a 3-5 page paper, describe how you can apply the selected financial concepts from the article to your current health care organization or a health care organization of your choice.  

Be sure to include the following:

1. Provide a summary of the article (must be healthcare related). Articles should be within the last 5-10 years for current articles.

2. Provide an explanation of the financial concept(s) found in the article.

3. Provide an example of how you can apply these financial concept(s) to your current health care organization or to the health care organization of your choice (i.e. John Hopkins Hospital, Mayo Clinic)*.

4. Include the source of the article in the paper and include another source above the current article (a minimum of 2 sources are required). 

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  1. Tutorial # 00815439 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 02/26/2022 12:54 AM
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