Excelsior HSC331 2021 MAY Complete Course Latest (Full)

Question # 00805359 Posted By: rey_writer Updated on: 05/08/2021 07:05 AM Due on: 05/08/2021
Subject Education Topic General Education Tutorials:
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Module 1 Discussion

Life Goes On, Even with a Chronic Illness

An active discussion is the key to an interesting and engaging online course. Discussion in this course is designed to simulate a classroom discussion. Rather than having each of you post a “mini paper” in response to the discussion questions, we will go through the questions as a group, one question at a time. As you join in the discussion, you should read what has already been posted and then add substantively to what has been written.

The modules in this course are one week in length. Time goes quickly, so remember to post early! Get in the habit of checking the discussions as often as you can to see what others have posted and to respond. The earlier in the week that you begin posting, the deeper the conversation and learning will be.

The first question in this discussion is opinion and/or experience-based, so jump right into the discussion immediately. For subsequent questions please meaningfully integrate your readings including the text, articles, and module notes into your posts.

First, in your opinion:

As someone new to the course, how would you react to these two statements below? Would you view the two people with diabetes the same, or would the use of the word disease versus the word illness mean something different? How so?

“Lashauna’s doctor told her she has a chronic disease.”

“Lashauna’s doctor told her she has a chronic illness.”

Now view the following video:

Multiple chronic conditions: A day in the life (Links to an external site.)

(1:58 minutes)

After viewing the video, which describes Mae’s illness experience, let’s apply your readings to the following questions:

In your readings, the World Health Organization defines health conditions according to a person’s functioning. What does Mae’s functioning tell you about her health? How about the ways in which she might define disease and illness? Thinking on your readings and application to Mae, are there other variables that might aid in defining a person’s health or illness?

Now that together we have looked at Mae’s functioning and perhaps identified other ways to explore chronic illness or disease, let’s explore the three models found in your readings. How might each of these models (medical, social, and biopsychosocial) apply to what we know of Mae’s health conditions? Which model is the best fit for Mae, and why?

Lastly, let’s look at what the readings have to say about risk factors, and what we can do about them. Addressing risk factors can be very challenging, particularly when a person has multiple illnesses. What lessons can we draw from our readings to assist and empower people such as Mae and her loved ones, to manage the risk factors and symptoms of chronic disease? In particular, what lessons can we draw from your Bauer, et al. reading in terms of eliminating some of the “controllable” risks individuals, families and communities face?



Module 2 Discussion

Living with Parkinson’s Disease: Mike’s Story

An active discussion is the key to an interesting and engaging online course. Discussion in this course is designed to simulate a classroom discussion. As others join in the discussion, you should read what has already been posted and add substantively to the discussion.  We will go through the questions one at a time, moving on to the next question once we have fully explore the current question. I will guide you through the discussions.

The modules in this course are one week. Time goes quickly, so post early! Get in the habit of checking the discussions as often as you can to see what others have posted and to respond. Waiting until the last day to post means you miss out on learning from your peers, and they miss out on learning from you.

Please think about the following questions and respond not only to the questions but also to what others are saying. The first question is opinion-based so that you can begin the discussion immediately without having completed all of your readings. As you progress, you will need to meaningfully apply the readings, using APA formatting for any citations.

Background information for this discussion:

The School of Health Sciences faculty interviewed several people living with chronic illnesses for this course. This is the first of three interviews. Mike is a man living with Parkinson’s disease. Through his interview, he provides us with his insights into the physical and psychosocial challenges of his illness and how he lived with it, and despite it, throughout the years. Mike has died since doing this interview; however, his story honors the determination of a man living with Parkinson’s disease - his life and his relationships with his family, friends and community. Mike’s story also expands our knowledge of the coping and adaptation skills individuals develop living with a chronic illness.

View the Following Video Interview:

Experiential  Interview:  Mike's Experience with Parkinson's [Video File, 26:22 minutes]

First, in your opinion:

What surprised you when viewing Mike’s experience of living with Parkinson’s disease? Do you believe that Mike was typical of someone living with a chronic illness? If not, how may he have been different?

Let’s apply your readings and video to the following questions, going through them one at a time:

The needs of a person with a chronic illness may differ from someone with an acute episodic condition. The theories and models in this week’s readings provide a variety of frameworks for intervening. Which of the theoretical frameworks and/or model(s) from this week’s readings would be most appropriate for use with Mike? Which one(s) might Mike feel most comfortable with as a partner in his treatment?

This week, we’ve read about the concept of illness behavior.  What were some of Mike’s responses to his chronic condition? What words or phrases did he use to describe his condition? To what extent do you think that his relationship with his wife, and the fact that his wife is a nurse, influenced his illness behavior?

Mike wanted to be a partner in his treatment. He succeeded in this. What lessons can be learned from Mike’s successes (and continued challenges)? How can these be applied when working with other people with Parkinson’s disease – or any other chronic condition?



Module 3 Discussion

The Cancer Experience

An active discussion is the key to an interesting and engaging online course. Discussion in this course is designed to simulate a classroom discussion. As others join in the discussion, you should read what has already been posted and add substantively to the discussion.  We will go through the questions one at a time, moving on to the next question once we have fully explore the current question. I will guide you through the discussions.

The modules in this course are one week in length. Time goes quickly, so remember to post early! Get in the habit of checking the discussions as often as you can to see what others have posted and to respond. The earlier in the week that you begin posting, the deeper the conversation and learning will be.

The first question in this discussion is opinion and/or experience-based, so jump right into the discussion immediately. For subsequent questions please meaningfully integrate your readings including the text, articles, and module notes into your posts.

View the Following Case Study Video:

SeanPerryProductions (March 13, 2013).

Brenda Emer: 12 Time Cancer Survivor (Links to an external site.)

. [Video File, 10:36 minutes.]

First, in your opinion:

People in our society have strong feelings about the word “cancer.” What are some of those feelings? Many people react differently when receiving the information that they too have cancer. For example, if given a terminal diagnosis, what makes some people want to ‘fight’ cancer, while others accept the diagnosis?

Let’s apply your readings and video to the following questions, one at a time:

First, let’s consider the experiences of a person who lives through a traumatic illness. What are some of the challenges someone such as Brenda may face in adjusting and adapting to an illness such as cancer?   As she eloquently described, many providers and treatments were involved in getting the treatment she needed. What are some of the benefits to obtaining coordination of care? How about challenges?

What sorts of decisions did Brenda face? What supports did she have? Let’s think about the experience of cancer for others. Consider someone perhaps living rurally, or who is under-insured, or who does not have a primary care provider. How might people living in other circumstances face different or more limited decisions? Discuss why these differences might exist and what can be done about them.

We have discussed Brenda’s experience living with cancer, and looked at how some of her experiences might differ for people from other groups or living in different circumstances – and why those differences might occur. Based on all that we have discussed and what we have learned about chronic disease self-management, what are some recommendations for Brenda? For others facing uncertain futures with cancer or other traumatic chronic illnesses?





Module 4 Discussion

Surviving and Surpassing Stigma – The LGBTQ Experience

It is important that every person has the opportunity to achieve his or her full health potential. Health organizations from the local to national and global levels are finding ways to eliminate chronic disease and, with it, the painful illness experience. With all these efforts, stigma remains an issue worldwide, especially among members of racial and ethnic minority populations. In this week’s discussions, we will focus on one cultural group, the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer/Questioning (LGBTQ) community, and the experience of stigma in living with a chronic illness.

As others join in the discussion, read what has already been posted. Do not post mini-papers; rather add substantively and contextually to the discussion. We will go through the questions one at a time, moving on to the next question once we have fully explored the current one. Time goes quickly, so post frequently. The earlier in the week that you begin posting, the deeper the conversation and learning will be.

Let’s first begin with an opinion question:

Stigma impacts people and communities from the local to the global level. Stigma involves viewing a person or group as “less than” other persons or groups, due to a perceived difference or deficiency. As you learned in your module 1 readings, someone who is stigmatized is devalued and unaccepted in his or her community. Before you begin this week’s readings, let’s think about our own communities. Considering this description of stigma, to what extent is stigma a problem for one or more groups in your community? What is the community doing to address these concerns?

Now, let’s apply this week’s learning materials to address the remaining questions related to the One Colorado video, one at a time.

One1Colorado (2013, June 5).

One Colorado: Invisible: The state of LGBT health (Links to an external site.)

. [Video File 09:57 minutes]

Let’s think about the influence of stigma on the people profiled in the video. First, what stigmatizing influences played particularly strong roles in the health care experiences faced by Lorena, Brad, Nita and/or Kyle? Focus on 1-2 people in your response. To what extent did their experiences relate to their identification as LGBTQ? Use your readings to support your responses.

Now that we have identified some stigma challenges and explored the connections with how it has impacted the lives of these individuals’ health outcomes, let’s discuss some of the consequences of the stigma on their lives and health outcomes. The interviewees eloquently described some consequences. Let’s talk about these, but be sure to also delve deeper and use your readings and other videos to identify outcomes (actual or potential) that were not overtly stated.

What can be done to decrease the compounding stigma impacts of chronic illness and identification with the LGBTQ community? Support your recommendations with the readings and videos.





Module 5 Discussion

Parenting Children with Chronic Illness

Caregiver stress can occur as the demands of providing care for an ill family member increase and intensify. We learn through our readings and videos that family caregivers of all ages experience stress. Some stressors are unique to different stages of life, while others are universally experienced. This week, we will focus on the caregiving experiences of parents of children living with chronic illness.

We are now over half-way through in our discussions! By now, you are aware that these discussions are intended to be highly engaged conversations, rather than mini-papers. Rather than posting a paper responding to all the questions at once, you should read what has already been posted and add substantively to the discussion.  Check in often. The earlier in the week that you begin posting, the deeper the conversation and learning will be.

The first question in this discussion is opinion and/or experience-based, so jump right into the discussion immediately. For subsequent questions, please meaningfully integrate your course materials into your discussion.

First, let’s focus on an opinion/reflection based question to get a sense of day-to-day experiences of parents caring for children with chronic illness:

Imagine that your 9-year old son has epilepsy. He wears a helmet to prevent a head injury if he were to fall during a seizure. He is highly intelligent and is aware that people often stare at him. You are chatting with a neighbor at the bus stop while waiting for the school bus to take your kids to school. Your neighbor remarks on how difficult it must be for you having a child who is “mentally retarded.” Your son, who is standing next to you, overhears.  What might you feel? How might you respond to your neighbor’s well-intended but hurtful comment? How do you address this with your son?

Now, let’s apply the readings and videos to the following questions, one at a time:

The diagnosis of a chronic illness can be devastating news for a parent and even more so for a child. The diagnosis itself can place a family on an emotional, financial, and physical roller coaster. Meeting care needs can create tremendous stress for a family. What are some of the stressors that parents can face in caring for a child with a chronic illness, and in what ways do they deal with them? Consider the range of healthy and perhaps less healthy ways that parents may deal with emotional, relationship, financial and physical care stressors as you converse.  Bring in examples from your assigned videos in particular.

The chapter by Case-Smith on parenting a child with a chronic medical illness suggests that the demands and responsibilities on families where a child has a chronic illness are much different than on families where chronic illness is not present. What are some of the societal and cultural expectations on these parents? How might this differ for parents of a child whose chronic illness is not disabling versus those whose child has a significant disability? Please provide examples from this week’s learning materials.

Based on what we have discussed so far, how can health providers build collaborative and productive working relationships with families? Consider the parents, the child with an illness, and siblings. (Please do not respond to this question in a “mini-paper” format but rather discuss this later in the week, based on what you have learned in your materials and in discussions with your classmates.)





Module 6 Discussion

Changing Policy, Changing Lives of People with Chronic Illness

Welcome to this week’s discussion! A few suggestions to improve your success in this week’s discussion are as follows. Make your first post no later than Wednesday and be sure to post frequently throughout the week. Avoid mini-papers that seek to answer the questions in one essay. Instead, add substantively and contextually to the discussion, reading and responding to one another as you work through the discussion. We will go through the questions one at a time, moving on to the next question once we have fully explored the current one.

Please jump right into the opinion based question. Once you have completed this question, go back and finish your readings. Then return to engage with one another on the rest of the questions, starting with the first question and going forward one question at a time.

In recent years, most of us have heard media reports on governmental attempts to legislate our health habits. A much-publicized recent policy was New York City’s fight to ban large-sized sugary drinks over the past several years. Many believe that the government is going too far, particularly now in light of recent attempts by some local and state governments to legislate access to high sugar beverages, while supporters believe that Americans need policies in place to help them toward healthier living.

In your opinion, is governmental policy that bans or places special taxes on certain beverages, foods, or other products meeting a public health need or is the government going too far? How so?

Now, let’s apply this week’s learning materials to address the remaining questions, one at a time. For each question below, be sure to bring in concrete examples from your readings (required) and from your experiences and other sources as appropriate.

You have read about a variety of policies related to health and chronic illness. What roles can health policy play in promoting better health outcomes for people with chronic illnesses?

Let’s consider access. How does health care access in our country tend to differ for older adults versus younger adults, men versus women, and between members of various cultural groups? (Don’t limit yourself to age or ethnicity; rather consider the many diverse groups we have learned about this term in your conversation.) To what extent does/should health policy help certain groups get access to culturally resonant services, e.g. alternative health?

As you think about the policies you have been discussing together over the few several days, are there certain policies that seem to fall short for certain groups? Is it inevitable that some groups within a society or community will not have their needs met through health policy? How do we use health policy as an intervention to reach as many as possible? Please apply your readings carefully to support your recommendations.



Module 7 Discussion

Impact of Chronic Illness on Communities

We live in a graying society. Added to this is the fact that we live in an increasingly technological and sedentary society.  People are struggling more financially in recent years through economic recessions, lost savings, lost employment, and increased expenses for necessities of healthful daily living. People are increasingly vulnerable to chronic illnesses, and decreasingly equipped to deal with the needs associated with their conditions.  These societal shifts necessitate changes in the ways our communities are built and in how communities function to meet the needs of their residents.

As others join in the discussion, read what has already been posted and add substantively and contextually to the discussion. You can successfully engage in this discussion without posting a mini-paper. We will go through the questions one at a time, moving on to the next question once we have fully explored the current one.

The first question in this discussion is opinion and/or experience-based, so jump right into the discussion immediately, no later than Wednesday.  For subsequent questions please meaningfully integrate your readings including the text, articles, and module notes into your posts.

In your opinion, based on the 3-minute video,

Making the Business Case for Prevention: A Grocery Store's Healthy Options (Links to an external site.)

We have learned over the past six weeks that obesity is a contributing factor in chronic illnesses.  In your opinion, what factors make it difficult for people to access healthy foods, e.g. fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, healthy snacks, etc?

Now apply this week’s learning materials to address the remaining questions (one at a time) about Ray and Marti’s experience with diabetes.

Experiential Interview:

Marti and Ray’s Shared Diabetes Experience [Video File, 24:53 minutes]

Marti and Ray described some of the financial and lifestyle-related stressors they faced, and the role of family and community members and organizations in helping them cope with, and move beyond, these stressors. What were some of the stressors, and how did they affect their lives?  What role did community supports and resources play in helping Ray and/or Marti to adapt? How accessible were these community supports and resources?  Were there “disconnects” between what was available and what Ray and Marti felt would work best for them?

Ray and Marti were very effective in dealing with the stressors of Ray’s diabetes and in fighting for what they needed. Not everyone has sufficient social supports or self-advocacy skills to accomplish this. In what ways can communities support healthy living with diabetes? Consider community-level interventions you have read about in the KU Community Toolkit (Links to an external site.) that might successfully address one or more of the issues we are focusing on this week, e.g. access to diabetes-compliant foods, safe environments for physical activity, financial strains, etc. 

What lessons do Ray and/or Marti share that can inform communities on ways to better support people living with chronic illnesses?



Module 8 Discussion

DQ1 Emerging Trends to Improve Quality of Life

As we enter our last discussion together, remember to engage with what others are posting, rather than focusing on doing a mini-paper all of your own.  We will go through the questions one at a time, moving on to the next question once we have fully explore the current question.

The first question in this discussion is opinion and/or experience-based, so jump right into the discussion immediately. For subsequent questions please meaningfully integrate your course materials into your conversation.

First, let’s do something a little bit different for our final opinion-based question. You have focused on a chronic illness of interest to you over this term. Based on what you learned through doing your papers and resouce sharing, share with us one of the most promising trends for the future of this chronic condition. You might look at an emerging treatment, technology, genetic research, apps that might hold promise, etc…

Now, let’s apply this week’s assigned materials to the rest of the questions.

You saw from the assigned Rudd Center video that not all interventions will be well-received by everyone. Thinking about what you and others have shared about promising trends, are there potential barriers to full participation from certain groups. Why do you think this is so, and what can we do? Consider behavioral, genetic, stigma, environmental and economic/financial influences in your conversation.

Look for commonalities among the trends as the week progresses. Talk about what this may mean for the future of persons living with chronic illness, their loved ones, health and wellness providers, schools and workplaces, and the communities in which we live.

DQ2   Wrapping Up: Reflections on Chronic Illness

We have covered a lot of ground this past eight weeks. I welcome your thoughts about this course as we wrap up.  I am very open to feedback and use it to improve the experiences of students taking this course.

What were the most important take-away lesson(s) from this course for you? Why are these important?

Something about this course initially caught your attention enough to lead you to register for it. How did your experience match-up against your expectations and goals for this course? If you have any recommendation for additions or changes, I would like to hear these, as well!



Module 1 Assignment  

Chronic Illness Topic Selection

This term you will complete three written assignments, including two essays and one resource sharing assignment, focusing on one chronic illness that you will choose this week.

In 2 sentences to one paragraph, please share the name of the chronic illness you will focus on this term, and why you have chosen this topic.



Module 3 Assignment  

Understanding Chronic Illness – A Literature Review

In Module 1, you submitted your choice of a chronic illness that you will focus on for the rest of the term.  This is the first of two papers, which will cumulatively allow you to conduct an in-depth exploration of your chosen chronic condition.

In this first assignment, you explore the literature in the library to provide an evidence-based overview of your chosen chronic illness from a biopsychosocial perspective.


Specifically, you will conduct a short review of the literature. In this paper you will gather a minimum of 4 credible sources on your chosen chronic illness for your literature review. This must include at least 3 peer-reviewed articles from the Excelsior Library and at least one credible source from a governmental or health care website. You may also use your assigned readings, but please note that these will not count toward the 4 required sources.

Once you have gathered your sources, you will use this literature to write a 7 - 10 page paper (not including cover page, abstract, and reference page) addressing the following:

1.   Define and describe your selected chronic illness.

State how the condition is diagnosed, symptoms, and the prevalence.

List and describe the precipitating factors of the illness (personal, genetic, environmental, etc.).

Explain which groups are more vulnerable to developing your chosen condition (e.g. older adults are more vulnerable to developing Alzheimer’s disease).

Explain some of the biological, psychological, and emotional aspects of the illness.

2.   Briefly describe commonly used treatments.

3.   Select a theoretical framework appropriate to the experiences of people living with the illness.  You may use any of the theories covered in your course readings or incorporate one from your literature.

Describe the theory.

Explain how your chosen theory might be applicable to 1) your chosen chronic illness and 2) an intervention in which the patient is a partner in his or her care.

4.   Describe this theory’s applicability for diverse populations, e.g., age, gender, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, cognitive functioning.

5.   Please use the following resources to ensure success in writing your paper.

Evaluating Resources: Evaluating Information Video Tutorial (Links to an external site.). [Video File, 06:32 min]. (Links to an external site.)

Citing Resources: Avoiding Plagiarism Tutorial (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

Excelsior College Online Writing Lab (Links to an external site.)

6. Compose your work in a .doc or .docx file type using a word processor (such as Microsoft Word, etc.) and save it frequently to your computer. For those assignments that are not written essays and require uploading images or PowerPoint slides, please follow uploading guidelines provided by your instructor.

Check your work and correct any spelling or grammatical errors. When you are ready to submit your work, click “Upload Submission.”  Enter the submission title and then click on “Select a file to upload.” Browse your computer, and select your file. Click “Open” and verify the correct file name has appeared next to Submission File. Click on “Continue.”  Confirm submission is correct and then click on “Accept Submission & Save.”


This course has Turnitin fully integrated into the course dropbox. This means that you should only submit your assignments to the dropbox below. Please do not submit your assignment directly to Turnitin.com.   

Once submitted, your assignment will be evaluated by Turnitin® automatically.  You will be able to view an Originality Report within minutes of your first submission that will show how much of your work has been identified as similar to other sources such as websites, textbooks, or other student papers.  Use your Originality Report as a learning tool to identify areas of your assignment that you may not have cited appropriately.  You may resubmit your assignment through this dropbox as many times as you need to check to see if you have made improvements, until the due date of the assignment. However, once you have made your first submission, you will need to wait 24 hours after each subsequent submission to receive a new Originality Report.  Plan accordingly as you draft your assignment.  Once the due date has passed, your assignment submission will be considered final.


This assignment will be graded using the HSC331 Literature Review Rubric located on the Course Rubrics page within the Start Here section of the course.  Please review the rubric prior to beginning your work so that you ensure your submission meets the criteria in place for this assignment.  This assignment is worth 30% of your final course grade.



Module 6 Assignment  

Impacts of Stigma, Health Policy and Family Support on Chronic Illness Experiences


This week, you will continue your examination of the chronic illness you selected in Module 1, focusing on what you have learned in modules 4-6. Specifically, you will write a 5-7 page paper on the impacts of stigma and the role of family and health policy on your selected condition. You will use the 4 credible sources you used in your literature review at a minimum. You may incorporate additional resources as needed. You may also use your assigned readings, but please note that these do not count toward the 4 required sources.


Introduce your paper by briefly describing the chronic disease (1 paragraph) on which you are focusing.

Describe the impact of stigma on health outcomes for 1-2 diverse and/or vulnerable populations with this chronic illness. How might the experience and influence of stigma differ at the point of diagnosis, during initial engagement with treatment, and as the illness persists?

Besides stigma, what are 3-5 barriers faced by people diagnosed with the chronic illness you have been focusing on this term? For each barrier you describe, list and describe at least one resource that might remove this as a barrier.

When family members become involved in supporting someone diagnosed with a chronic illness, life changes for the family, as well as the individual. Describe at least three adjustments family caregivers make when a loved one is diagnosed with the condition, as identified in the literature. What can be done to assist family caregivers to provide care for their loved one with an illness and/or care for themselves? Do not duplicate what you have written elsewhere in your paper.

Describe at least one local, state, or national policy that supports persons living with your selected chronic illness. Describe the policy goals as related to the illness. Talk about how well the policy addresses the needs of people with your chosen condition and those of caregivers. State whether certain groups or populations are better served by the policy than others, and why.

Conclude your paper by recommending 2-3 strategies for improving health outcomes for people living with this chronic illness. Your recommended change(s) may apply to all with the condition, or certain vulnerable groups. This section should be at least one page in length and should reflect a deep understanding of the selected illness and the literature.

Please use the following resources to ensure success in writing your paper.

Evaluating Resources: Evaluating Information Video Tutorial (Links to an external site.). [Video File, 06:32 min].

Citing Resources: Avoiding Plagiarism Tutorial (Links to an external site.)

Excelsior College Online Writing Lab (Links to an external site.)

 8. Compose your work in a .doc or .docx file type using a word processor (such as Microsoft Word, etc.) and save it frequently to your computer. For those assignments that are not written essays and require uploading images or PowerPoint slides, please follow uploading guidelines provided by your instructor.

Check your work and correct any spelling or grammatical errors. When you are ready to submit your work, click “Upload Submission.”  Enter the submission title and then click on “Select a file to upload.” Browse your computer, and select your file. Click “Open” and verify the correct file name has appeared next to Submission File. Click on “Continue.”  Confirm submission is correct and then click on “Accept Submission & Save.”


This course has Turnitin fully integrated into the course dropbox. This means that you should only submit your assignments to the dropbox below. Please do not submit your assignment directly to Turnitin.com.   

Once submitted, your assignment will be evaluated by Turnitin® automatically.  You will be able to view an Originality Report within minutes of your first submission that will show how much of your work has been identified as similar to other sources such as websites, textbooks, or other student papers.  Use your Originality Report as a learning tool to identify areas of your assignment that you may not have cited appropriately.  You may resubmit your assignment through this dropbox as many times as you need to check to see if you have made improvements, until the due date of the assignment. However, once you have made your first submission, you will need to wait 24 hours after each subsequent submission to receive a new Originality Report.  Plan accordingly as you draft your assignment.  Once the due date has passed, your assignment submission will be considered final.


This assignment will be graded using the HSC331 M6A1 Paper Rubric located on the Course Rubrics page within the Start Here section of the course.  Please review the rubric prior to beginning your work so that you ensure your submission meets the criteria in place for this assignment.  This assignment is worth 30% of your final course grade.



Module 7 Assignment  

Recommend a Community Program

For this activity, you will locate a community-based intervention program for the chronic illness on which you have focused this term and propose strategies for community-level change.

Briefly describe the chronic condition on which you have focused this term. Then locate and describe a community intervention program that focuses on this condition.

Post the direct hyperlink to the program’s home page.

In 1-2 paragraphs, describe why you chose this program. What did you find most compelling and/or effective? Are there particular groups this program is targeted toward, or for whom this program may be particularly effective?

Are there improvements you would recommend? Other stakeholder groups that would benefit?

Compose your work using a word processor (such as Microsoft Word, etc.) and save it frequently to your computer. Check your work and correct any spelling or grammatical errors. When you are ready to submit your work, click “Submit Assignment” in the upper right corner. Click on “Browse,” browse your computer, and select your file. Click “Open” and verify the correct file name has appeared next to the Browse button. Enter your comments, if any, in the Comments area. Click on “Submit Assignment.”


This assignment will be graded using the rubric displayed below. Please review this rubric prior to beginning your work. You can also access the rubric by clicking on Written Assignment Rubric on the Course Rubrics page within the Start Here module. This activity is worth 10% of your final grade.



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