ENGL220 Week 5 Discussion - Explore and share how the articles

Question # 00842257 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 06/08/2023 01:50 AM Due on: 06/08/2023
Subject English Topic General English Tutorials:
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Follow these THREE steps to complete your initial post to Discussion 5:

Step 1:

Make sure to find two current library articles about two different readability formulas. Explore and share how the articles helped influence your product label design. As in previous discussions, be sure to tell us the articles’ titles and authors as you explain their main points to us. Use the first paragraph of the post to do this work.


Tech Writing Treasure Hunt Note: There is no textbook for this class! Class readings come from the library, instead. You’ll be responsible for researching articles relevant to the week’s writing objectives and reporting on them to your peers in class discussion forums. Doing this will give you some good practice using the AMU / APUS Trefry Library and will familiarize you with academic technical writing journals. The class will basically conduct a technical writing treasure hunt each week, then, instead of looking at a traditional textbook.

Step 2:

Run a sentence or section of the work you wrote for Assignment 1: The Instruction Manual through each of the two readability formulas you’ve learned about this week. Share the results in paragraph 2.

Step 3:

Write a paragraph that explains how your work with Readability Formulas this week will influence the ways you revise your Instruction Manual before re-submitting it as part of your Final Portfolio in Week 8. 

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00837719 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 06/08/2023 01:51 AM
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