Discussion - Developing a Strategic Growth Plan

Question # 00850997 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 02/20/2024 03:47 AM Due on: 02/20/2024
Subject Business Topic General Business Tutorials:
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9.2 - Discussion: Developing a Strategic Growth Plan

Sally now has won three Michelin Stars and has become the first three-star restaurant in North America. The presentation of the Michelin Award goes to those ambitious chefs and restaurants for their culinary excellence. It's the most prestigious international culinary award presented to qualified establishments and chefs.

In its fifth year of operation, the restaurant has become the number-one destination for foodies from all over the world. Food critics have poured in from all over just for the opportunity to experience the delights and write about the savory treats served in Sally's signature dish. One savory treat included a specially formulated dessert created by Sally. The desert has become so popular that many customers have requested extra take-home orders. A substantial number of patrons have asked if the dessert would ever be sold separately in markets.

Annual revenue from the restaurant is approaching twenty million dollars. The business has amassed direct ownership of fifty properties located around the country in high-density cities. Sales from the table app have steadily grown to over six million dollars in annual sales through subscriptions and advertising revenue. The company has invested in using the Kitchen-to-Door food delivery and Kitchen-Vision App that combines the delivery of ready-to-cook meal packages. This venture's return on investment (ROI) has more than paid the initial investment and shows profit-level income. The company enjoys the highest credit ratings and has outstanding loans securing the original property and the other investment properties. The loans are in their final years, with projected restaurant revenue positioning the business in a favorable position that will enable the company to redeem the commercial paper before the due date, saving 12% of the outstanding balance. You and Sally agree that it's time to develop a growth plan.

Supplemental resources:  Grow Your Business (SBA)Links to an external site.

Review the  Business Growth Questions (DOCX). Download Business Growth Questions (DOCX).

Post and Reply

Thinking about the course content and the questions in the Grow Your Business document, respond to the following prompts:

· Identify the indicators that your business is ready to expand.

· Identify and explain three growth opportunities that currently exist for Sally's business.

· Discuss legal requirements associated with different growth opportunities.


Your initial post is due by  Day 4 of the module week. 


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