Discussion 4 - Look around your house or work for a medicine

Chem Dis 4
Look around your house or work for a medicine requiring dosage instructions.
· Discuss the medicine's name, use, concentration, or dosage.
· Include a picture of the active ingredient in the drug.
· Derive and solve a dosage problem based on the medicine that you choose.
· For example, your physician ordered 2.4 g of folic acid. Folic acid is available at 800 mg per tablet. How many tablets should be taken?
· Substitute your medicine to create your own problem and then solve it.
· Make sure to show your work.
· Lastly, create a dosage problem for a classmate to solve. Do not solve it yourself.
Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.
Estimated time to complete: 2 hours

Solution: Discussion 4 - Look around your house or work for a medicine