Devry BIAM300 2022 March Week 7 Lab Latest
BIAM300 Managerial Applications of Business Analytics
Week 7 Lab
What is the impact of using a time series for analysis? You manager wants to know. You have been tasked to research time series analysis use and report your results to the manager. You have RStudio as a tool to do your research and complete some examples of time series use. Time to get started.
Software Used: RStudio and MS Word
Deliverable: MS Word with RStudio results both located in the Azure virtual lab environment
Step 1: RStudio
Go to the Azure virtual lab environment and navigate to RStudio. Select the icon to open the software.
Complete R-Practice 7.3.1 using RStudio. Change the numbers, at least two or three numbers, in the second row of the code. Take a screen print of your code and the resulting chart. Paste the screen print into a new MS Word document.
Step 2: Complete R-Practice 7.3.2
Using RStudio. Change the numbers, at least two or three numbers, in the second row of the code. Take a screen print of your code and the resulting chart. Paste the screen print into a new MS Word document.
Step 3: Complete R-Practice 7.4.2 Using RStudio.
Change the numbers, at least two or three numbers, in the second row of the code. Take a screen print of your code and the resulting chart. Paste the screen print into a new MS Word document.
Step 4: Report to Manager
When reporting to your manager, discuss the following details.
What information can your manager get from using a time series analysis?
Give real-world examples of how regression analysis and time series might be used.
Discuss the pros and cons of using a time series analysis.
Step 5: Submit Work
Save and submit your MS Word file with three screen prints of the altered code for time series and report to the manager.
Solution: Devry BIAM300 2022 March Week 7 Lab Latest