Devry BIAM300 2022 March Week 4 Lab Latest

Question # 00822600 Posted By: Ferreor Updated on: 04/18/2022 01:52 AM Due on: 04/18/2022
Subject Education Topic General Education Tutorials:
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BIAM300 Managerial Applications of Business Analytics

Week 4 Lab  


Your manager is asking you about regression analysis and what it looks like as well as how it works. Your task this week is to create several different options for regression analysis and what it looks like. You will then report your results back to your manager.

Step 1:

Please review the following video by selecting the following link.

Linear Regression in Excel (Links to an external site.)

Linear Regression in Excel

Step 2: Creating an Excel Chart

Take the information from R-Practice 4.7, Math Course Data Table 4.7.1, and create an Excel chart.

Create a scatterplot chart.

Include the line equation.

Format the chart title to improve the chart.

Take a screen print of the chart.

Step 3: Create a Regression Chart in RStudio

Sign into the Azure virtual lab environment.

Select the RStudio software.

Use the code provided in 4.7.1, reproduce the chart shown in 4.7.1.

Take a screen print.

Step 4: Alter the Chart Results

Alter or change the numbers provided in the first two lines of the code and rerun the code.

Take a screen print of your results.

Step 5: Alter the Chart Results Again

Alter or change the numbers provided in the first two lines of the code to change the code.

Take a screen print of your results.

Step 6: Report Back to your Manager

Write a report that includes the following.

Include one example of a regression analysis using MS Excel.

Include three examples of a regression analysis using RStudio.

Discuss differences in how these two programs work.

Analyze the results. (Discuss what the results mean.)

Make a recommendation to the manager.

Step 7: Submit Work

Save and submit your MS Word document.

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Tutorials for this Question
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