Communication styles reflect how we relay information within the

Question # 00865634 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 12/27/2024 04:44 AM Due on: 12/27/2024
Subject Marketing Topic Marketing Tutorials:
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 Communication styles reflect how we relay information within the message. When considering communication styles, think about the tone and content of the message and how it will be perceived by the receiver. Some styles may reflect a warm and hospitable feeling, while others are more clinical. Do not confuse styles with channels, which are how a message is delivered (verbal, written, email, etc.). Communication styles are classified using many different names and methods, and you will need to research three styles you wish to discuss in your paper. 

 An infographic (information graphic) is a graphic format used to present information in a way that is both appealing and easily understandable at a glance. Infographics are a fantastic way to convey information through visual cues that can enhance your target audience's reception of the information. You can use PowerPoint, Canva, Piktochart, or any other program that you feel comfortable with to create your infographic. This Sample Infographic [PDF] Download Sample Infographic [PDF]was created using Canva. 


Write a minimum of 2 pages and include the following:

  • Research three communication styles and compare the styles.
  • Discuss business scenarios in which each of the three communication styles would be appropriate to use.
  • Select your preferred communication style and create an infographic that explains the style.
    • Save the infographic in whatever image format you like.



  • Written communication:
    • Address assessment purpose in a well-organized text, incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.
  • Format and Length: Complete and submit both parts of this assessment:
    • A minimum of 2–3 pages, double spaced in Microsoft Word. Page count does not include your cover page or reference page.
    • The infographic can be submitted as an image inside of your Word document or as a separate attachment to the assessment.
  • APA style and formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting standards.
  • Cited resources: Use a minimum of three scholarly sources outside of the course text. All literature cited should be current, with publication dates within the past five years.
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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00861156 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 12/27/2024 04:45 AM
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    The solution of Communication styles reflect how we relay information within the message...
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