COM201 Week 3 Discussion - Analyzing Your Audience

Question # 00847063 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 10/23/2023 03:11 AM Due on: 10/23/2023
Subject Communications Topic General Communications Tutorials:
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Week 3 Discussion Com 201

Week 3 Discussion - Analyzing Your Audience

Imagine you were recently promoted and now serve as Mayor Samantha Smith's professional speechwriter. Mayor Smith has been asked to address the Twin Fawn Community Association about the issue of building a swimming pool in the neighborhood. As you analyze the audience (community members), which one of the factors (characteristics) below will you consider as you prepare Mayor Smith's speech? Remember to keep your focus on audience analysis and the factor you've selected. Provide a thorough explanation for your choice.

  • Age of the audience.
  • Attitude about the subject.
  • Socioeconomic status of the audience.


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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00842529 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 10/23/2023 03:13 AM
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