Chemistry Discussion - The electron configuration of an atom

Question # 00854407 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 05/10/2024 05:24 AM Due on: 05/10/2024
Subject Chemistry Topic General Chemistry Tutorials:
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Your initial post in the discussion this week consists of two parts. First, choose a molecule used in healthcare, industry, or found in a natural source and discuss the importance of this molecule. Be sure to include at least one outside source, and make sure to follow APA citation guidelines.

The electron configuration of an atom determines the number of electrons available to participate in bonding with another atom. One method of depicting the valence electrons that an atom has is through the Lewis structure. For the second part of your initial post, pick an element from the periodic table of elements. Identify the valence electrons and the orbitals in which they reside.

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00849894 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 05/10/2024 05:25 AM
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