Business rivalries - What Is Demography
Question # 00822569
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Updated on: 04/17/2022 09:16 PM Due on: 04/18/2022

For this blog task, you will review the video on the top 10 business rivalries and select one of the brand rivalries to discuss for your blog post, identifying the top dog and the underdog.
First, watch the following videos:
What Is Demography?
Jamie Gutfreund: Realism and Idealism: Understanding Gen Z (Future of Storytelling 2015)
Top 10 Business Rivalries
Next, address the following in your blog post:
- What is the brand strategy being used by the top dog? What is the brand strategy being used by the underdog?
- How can the underdog improve its strategy so that it can gain more market share and surpass the top dog? Provide three recommendations.
- Why do you believe consumers prefer the top dog over the underdog? Which do you prefer, and why?
In your post, be sure to consider how branding, positioning, and other external factors such as visual elements influence consumer preferences for the top dog versus the underdog.

Solution: Business rivalries - What Is Demography