Briefly outline the major features of your selected hypothetical project

Question # 00837318 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 01/17/2023 02:53 AM Due on: 01/17/2023
Subject Business Topic General Business Tutorials:
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Section1: Project Management

Select a specific industry context that will then be used in your analysis below. Examples might include an IT deployment in a large hospital setting, physically moving a large auto dealership, major systems change in a financial services organization, or a major office remodeling project. Pick a project context of interest to you and one with which you have at least some familiarity. This case context could be a project you have experienced yourself or you can sketch out a hypothetical project context.

1. Briefly outline the major features of your selected hypothetical project (scope and intended outcomes of the project, relationship of project to a larger organizational context, rough estimate of project budget, staffing complement and project completion date.

2. State your specific industry context. What project management tools and methodologies would be most useful in your chosen context? Would you use a traditional "waterfall" project methodology or a more iterative "Lean Start-up" approach?

3. State your specific industry context. What key project documents would be required? Briefly describe how you would specifically use these documents to produce an effective and well managed project.

4. State your specific industry context. If you were chief project manager for this initiative, what would be your role in this effort? What would be the most difficult aspects of this managerial and leadership role in the project context you have chosen. (You may want to provide some hypothetical details to your case that will make this example more realistic).

5. State your specific industry context. What tactics would you use to make sure that costs were controlled in the project and the project was implemented on schedule?

6. State your specific industry context. Beyond issues of cost and schedule, what other risks might arise in implementing your project in the context you have chosen? What would you do to manage such risks?

7. State your specific industry context. What methods would you use to measure project success? What would be some of the key strengths and weaknesses of such success measures?

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  1. Tutorial # 00832773 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 01/17/2023 02:53 AM
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