Assignment 4 - Chapter 9: Customs are behaviors generally

Biology Weekly Assignment 4
Chapter 9: Customs are behaviors generally expected in specific situations and are established, socially acceptable ways of behaving in given circumstances. Customs vary not only by country but also by regions or locations within a country. For example, in the United States, customs differ along north-south lines and urban-rural lines. In addition, religious backgrounds and ethnic identities account for differences in customs.
Chapter 10: The increasing globalization of industries has necessitated an increase in strategic alliances and hence intercultural negotiations. Intercultural negotiations involve discussions of common and conflicting interests between persons of different cultural backgrounds who work to reach an agreement of mutual benefit. How competent and competitive forms are both domestically and internationally and how they handle customers and vendors from other cultures will determine how successful a firm is internationally. Some of the reasons global joint ventures and strategic alliances are on the increase include economic deregulation, rapid technological changes, large capital requirements, government-supported industries, economic maturation, and improved communications.
After completing this module you will be able to:
- Describe the role that dress and appearance play in interacting with persons form other countries.
- Explain the importance of knowing about the customs associated with holidays and holy days of the country in which you are traveling or conducting business.
- Compare and contrast two closely related positions for similarities and differences in how work is accomplished based on cultural issues.
- Explain the importance of knowing about the male/female relationship roles and workplace equality to successful intercultural communication.
- Explain the intercultural negotiation process.
- Describe the steps in the negotiation process.
- Describe mistakes commonly made in intercultural negotiations.
- Required readings
- Read Chapter 9: Business and Social Customs
- Read Chapter 10: Intercultural Negotiation Process
Answer questions 80-100 words each answer:
1. How can you prepare for cultural shock in? negotiations?
2. What are the steps in the negotiation? process?
3. Intercultural negotiations have many implications. Discuss how two of these implications would affect negotiations between a U.S. negotiation team and a Japanese negotiation team. Discuss how two of these implications would affect negotiations between a Japanese negotiation team and a Mexican negotiation team.
4. Explain why following the? saying, "When in? Rome, do as the Romans? do," is appropriate to the negotiation process.
5. Regional free trade zones are becoming popular. What are the negative and positive aspects of such trade?zones? How will they help or hinder global? organizations?

Solution: Assignment 4 - Chapter 9: Customs are behaviors generally