Assess the components of e-health delivery systems

Question # 00805294 Posted By: dr.tony Updated on: 05/07/2021 02:18 PM Due on: 05/07/2021
Subject Education Topic General Education Tutorials:
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Assess the components of e-health delivery systems.

Question Description


Part I: Focus on the Healthcare databases with a focus on electronic health records in your reading and resources. Write a 1 page paper to assess the usefulness of databases in electronic health systems and the limitations. How do these relate to the world of informatics?

Part 2: Create a small health organization database in ACCESS or use Excel if you need to (it will look similar it just won’t have the functions of a real database). For instance, create a database of patients, their diagnosis, reason for their visit, and the cost for the visit. Create at least 10 pretend patients for the database.

Then list 3 ways the database query tool could be used. For example: Dr. Jones asks you for a list of all patients he saw last year with the diagnosis of diabetes.

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00800324 Posted By: dr.tony Posted on: 05/07/2021 02:19 PM
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