American Sentinel N515 2021 February Assignments Latest (Full)

Question # 00801108 Posted By: rey_writer Updated on: 04/06/2021 04:41 AM Due on: 04/06/2021
Subject Education Topic General Education Tutorials:
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N515 Research Design

Module 1 Assignment  

Identify a practice problem in your facility or practice. Research the problem.  In 1-2 pages, discuss this problem, the evidence and how it impacts nursing care and/or patient outcomes. What are some potential solutions to this problem? Are there any evidence-based guidelines? You must include five current references.


N515 Research Design

Module 2 Assignment  

Locate and summarize three individual research articles (do not use systematic research reviews or literature reviews) that support a solution to your problem. The problem you address does not have to be the same problem and solution that you discussed in Assignment 1. All three research articles should be relevant to the same problem and solution you are addressing this week. In the introduction to your paper, provide a brief (250 words or less) summary of your research problem to provide context to your summarized research articles. Note: per APA, the introduction does not have a heading. This paper should be 4-5 pages in length, not including the title and reference page. The remaining sections of the paper should be focused on summarizing each of the three research articles. The summary should include at minimum, the purpose of the study, research question, sample size and sample demographics, if relevant, as well as the results of the study. End your paper with a conclusion section, which a summary of the key points addressed in the overall paper and your recommended solution based on your review of the research articles.


N515 Research Design

Module 3 Assignment  

In a 2-3 page paper, discuss the levels of evidence of the three articles you chose to support the solution to your problem. Use the table in the front of Polit and Beck (also in Chapter 2) labeled “Quick Guide to an Evidence Hierarchy of Designs for Cause-Probing Questions.


N515 Research Design

Final Project

Prepare a PowerPoint presentation that discusses the information from the previous 3 papers, and adds a section discussing how this solution can be implemented as a change of practice at your facility. If you had to change your problem after assignment 1, summarize the new problem in the PowerPoint presentation. Remember to follow the rules of PowerPoint – no more than 7 lines on a slide and no more than 7 words on a line. Use bulleted statements, not complete sentences. Use the notes section below each slide for your narrative.

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Tutorials for this Question
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