Marketing - Impact of Regional Preference of Success or Failure of Firms 

Question # 00801104 Posted By: dr.tony Updated on: 04/06/2021 04:29 AM Due on: 04/06/2021
Subject Education Topic General Education Tutorials:
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Impact of Regional Preference of Success or Failure of Firms 

Many firms use regional brands of popular products. When Dunkin’ Donuts introduced soup to its menu, it included New England Clam Chowder, which appealed to Northeastern consumers, but franchisees in Texas objected to this choice.

Understanding regional preferences can define a company’s success—or failure. How can firms successfully change a regional brand into a national brand that will differentiate it and have a competitive advantage? Identify an item that you could add to Dunkin’ Donut’s menu that is unique to your region. Describe the item and why it would appeal to the area. Do you think it would be a success? Why or why not?


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