A computer manufacturer is considering outsourcing its technical

Question # 00850315 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 02/03/2024 03:12 AM Due on: 02/03/2024
Subject Business Topic General Business Tutorials:
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A computer manufacturer is considering outsourcing its technical support call center to India. Its current technical support call center is located in Dellroy, Ohio. The current call center is one of the top employers in Dellroy and employs about 10% of the townspeople in Dellroy. The town has experienced high unemployment rates in the past two decades, and often the call employees are the sole breadwinners in their households. If the technical support call center were to be moved to India, the company would be able to pay about 50% less per hour than it currently pays in Dellroy, Ohio. From a triple-bottom-line perspective (people, planet, and profit), what factors are relevant to the company’s decision to outsource its technical support call center? Be sure to discuss both quantitative and qualitative factors.

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  1. Tutorial # 00845787 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 02/03/2024 03:12 AM
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