Types Of Budgets - Summarize the impact of Line-Item Budgets

Question # 00850209 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 02/01/2024 09:52 PM Due on: 02/02/2024
Subject Business Topic General Business Tutorials:
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Types Of Budgets

 1) Executive Summary: Summarize the impact of Line-Item Budgets, Program Budgets, and Performance Budgets on the budgetary process. Also, summarize the impact of political AND economic constraints on the budgetary process.

2)Analyze the impact of Line-Item Budgets on the Budgetary Process. Describe the impact(advantages&disadvantages) line-item budgeting has on the budgeting process.

3) Analyze the impact of Program Budgets on the Budgetary Process. Describe the impact (advantages&disadvantages) program budgeting has on the budgeting process.

4) Analyze the impact of Performance Budgets on the Budgetary Process. Describe the impact (advantages&disadvantages) performance budgeting has on the budgeting process.

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  1. Tutorial # 00845681 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 02/01/2024 09:53 PM
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