• General Engineering

General Engineering Recently Posted Questions

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Choose at least one type of sensor and explore how it might
Choose at least one type of sensor and explore how it might be used in an engineering field of your specific interest. For instance, if you want to design a robot, you will want to use a combination o …
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MET230 Week 2 - Hydraulics and Pneumatics
Engineering - Electronic Engineering Review Assignment Hydraulic Motors and Circuits MET230: Hydraulics and Pneumatics Week 2 Review Assignment Problem 1 A rotary actuator has the followin …
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Discussion - Role Of Python In Image Processing And Object Detection
Discussion: Role Of Python In Image Processing And Object Detection You  will discuss the role of Python in image processing and object  detection, including the platform(s) used, the pur …
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Discussion - Structures And Members
Discussion Structures And Members There are many structures whose individual members are made up of  beams. Some examples include bridges, skyscrapers, artwork, signs,  parking covers, an …
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Software - Describe the difference between
Software Describe the difference between a use case and a class diagram. What is the purpose of each? What role do they play in object-oriented-programming design specifically? Create a class …
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