You will visualize and discuss what you plan to include

You will visualize and discuss what you plan to include in your adaptive leadership toolkit. Think from the aspect of the tools found in a toolbox in many homes, such as a hammer, wrenches, pliers, saws, and screwdrivers. A single tool does not work in all situations. If you use a wrench to drive a nail instead of using a hammer, it might work. But it won't work as well as a hammer.
Now consider things from the perspective of leadership skills and behaviors. For adaptive leadership to be effective, it is imperative that leaders use different tools in different situations. Equally important is developing a metric, a means by which the desired behavior can be periodically assessed. The measure you set determines the behavior you get, so effective leaders first determine the desired behavior, and then develop a metric to periodically assess progress.
you will assess other learners' posts and provide them with your input. This allows you additional time to make your initial post strong, robust, and well supported. For your initial post, you should consider the following questions:
- What leadership behaviors are needed to improve the work environment, determined via your assessment of the employee engagement survey?
- What leadership skills would you recommend including in your organizational leader's toolkit to develop the identified leadership behaviors?
- How will improvements in the recommended leadership skills and behaviors improve organizational performance?

Solution: You will visualize and discuss what you plan to include