Research 4 - Qualitative Research Approaches and Designs
Question # 00865628
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Updated on: 12/27/2024 03:55 AM Due on: 12/27/2024

Research 4
Qualitative Research Approaches and Designs
Considering your research problem that you presented in the Discussion Board (DB), locate 1 published dissertation (within the last 5 years) using each of the following:
- A study described by the author as being a phenomenology or phenomenological study
- A study described by the author as being a grounded theory study
- A study described by the author as being a case study
For each dissertation and methodological choice, prepare a discussion of each dissertation source that includes the following:
- Full APA citation(s) in proper format
- Author's abstract (copy and paste)
- Your annotation, which includes an analysis of the following: (300 - 500 words per dissertation)
- An overview, in your own words, of the qualitative research design
- The population from which participants were recruited
- The sampling plan used by the researcher
- Brief description of the data collection procedures
- Your evaluation of the effectiveness of the above. (200-400 words )

Solution: Research 4 - Qualitative Research Approaches and Designs