Week 5 Discussion - What is sport without power

Question # 00840356 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 04/04/2023 12:36 AM Due on: 04/04/2023
Subject Business Topic Management Tutorials:
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What is sport without power? Where would the drama of sport be without an offensive tackle to spoil a touchdown pass, or a crushing home run to sail over the center-field wall? When this power becomes abusive, however, the public cries personal foul.

Like conflict, power is an integral part of sport when used correctly. A leader needs to be able to command and elicit certain behaviors in his or her subordinates, and to do this, he or she must at times exert influence. Unfortunately, in too many cases, sport figures, including leaders, have abused their power to the detriment of their followers, fans, and the sport itself.

In 2014, Baltimore Ravens player Ray Rice was given a two-game suspension by National Football League Commissioner Roger Goodell when reports surfaced that Rice had been caught beating his wife in a Las Vegas casino elevator. Goodell only took stricter action to ban Rice from football permanently after the video became more widely distributed. Questions quickly surfaced about Goodell’s actions. Had he seen the video prior to his initial two-day suspension? If so, why was his first disciplinary action so lenient? Had he adequately questioned both Rice and his wife in investigating the incident? Goodell was no stranger to controversy, having been involved in questionable situations before and since the Rice incident (McCann & Keith, 2015). Although decision making is one leadership trait that is important to the outcomes in these situations, Goodell’s position of power was also a factor.

It is important for sport leaders to understand the seriousness of abuse of power and the devastation it can wreak on many lives and, ultimately, to avoid engaging in such abuses. Leadership requires appropriate use of influence and authority and, in some cases, power to an effective degree. Understanding these concepts and when to use them is critical in effective leadership.

McCann, M., & Keith, T. (2015). Moving targeter.Sports Illustrated, 122(20), 17–20.

Instructions Consider the definitions of positive and negative uses of power in the Learning Materials, including the “Power” PowerPoint. Identify an example of someone in the field of sport who, in your opinion, abused his or her power.

Post a description of the individual who, in your opinion, has abused his or her power. Describe the situation or situations in which this occurred and explain how power was abused. How could this abuse have been prevented in this situation using influence tactics? Use specific influence tactics and other strategies in your response.

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