Week 2 Discussion - Joan Leikvold was hired by Valley

Question # 00837424 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 01/18/2023 10:01 PM Due on: 01/19/2023
Subject Law Topic General Law Tutorials:
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Health Care Law Week 2 Discussion

Answer the Discussion Board board questions in paragraph form and reply to at least 1 classmate. 

Joan Leikvold was hired by Valley View Community Hospital as an operating room supervisor in 1972. She did not have a contract for a specific duration, nor was she told that the hospital would not discharge her except for cause. She was provided with a policy manual and told that the policies were to be followed in her employment relationship with the hospital. In 1978, she became the director of nursing. In October 1979, she requested a transfer back to her former position in the operating room. The chief executive officer (CEO) felt that it was inadvisable for someone who had been in a managerial position to take a subordinate position. Leikvold withdrew the transfer request but was subsequently fired. Her personnel record indicated “insubordination” as the reason for discharge. Leikvold was an at-will employee. At-will means that there is a contract made for an indefinite duration and either party, employer or employee, may terminate the contract at any time for any reason, or without reason, provided the reason is not discriminatory. Can the CEO fire Leikvold?

1 reply in depth to a fellow classmate on the topics they select. (2 total posts per week) post 1 is worth 80points, peer reply is worth 20 points.

1) Your response should be in depth (3-4 paragraphs for the initial post and 2-3 paragraphs for follow up) to fully develop your answer. Defend your position with concrete examples from the weekly content and real-life cases, if applicable.

2) APA citation is required.

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00832879 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 01/18/2023 10:02 PM
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