Week 2 - Discuss at least 3 realistic and attainable strategies

Question # 00839783 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 03/20/2023 02:52 AM Due on: 03/20/2023
Subject Nursing Topic Nursing Tutorials:
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Week 2

This week, reflect on your level of preparedness for the national board certification exam (PMNC-PMHNP) on psychiatric. Develop a strategy for board preparation and time management utilizing the prompts below. Respond to the questions below in complete sentences.

· Discuss at least 3 realistic and attainable strategies that you would implement to prepare for the national board certification exam. What is your plan for implementing these strategies?

· Discuss how you plan to manage your time to include the additional preparation needed.

· Describe what challenges you anticipate as you prepare for national boards. How do you plan on overcoming these challenges?

Review the rubric for this assignment for additional details. Include at least two peer journal reviews APA style.

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00835244 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 03/20/2023 02:53 AM
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