Walden SOCW6090 2021 December Week 9 Discussion (dq1+dq2) Latest

Question # 00814640 Posted By: Ferreor Updated on: 11/23/2021 10:42 PM Due on: 11/24/2021
Subject Psychology Topic General Psychology Tutorials:
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SOCW6090 Psychopathology and Diagnosis for Social Work Practice

Week 9 Discussion

DQ1 Evidence-Based Interventions Used in Trauma

Post by Day 3 a response in which you address the following:

•             Post the APA references for the two studies you located.

•             Provide a brief description of the traumatic events, including a summary of how they affected the individuals involved.

•             Describe the interventions discussed in the articles and explain how they addressed the psychosocial issues and needs of the individuals affected by the trauma.

•             Explain the effectiveness of the interventions, as stated in the articles.

•             Analyze and discuss the similarities and differences in the individuals’ needs depending on whether the issues occurred due to a national traumatic event or an interpersonal trauma.

Support your post with specific references to the resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.

Respond by Day 6 to at least two colleagues in the following ways:

•             Based on the needs your colleague identified, explain some of the factors the mental health community could address in both types of traumatic events.

•             Explain skills your colleague could develop to address the traumas described in their articles

DQ2 Trauma and Comorbidity

Post by Day 5 a 3- to 5-minute recorded video response in which you address the following:

•             Provide the full DSM-5 diagnosis for the client. Remember, a full diagnosis should include the name of the disorder, ICD-10- CM code, specifiers, severity, and the Z codes (other conditions that may be a focus of clinical attention). Keep in mind a diagnosis covers the most recent 12 months.

•             Explain the diagnosis by matching the symptoms identified in the case to the specific criteria for the diagnosis.

•             Identify the first area of focus you would address as client’s social worker, and explain your specific treatment recommendations. Support your recommendations with research.

•             Explain how you would manage client’s diverse needs, including his co-occurring disorders.

•             Describe a treatment plan for client, including how you would evaluation his treatment.

Support your post with specific references to the resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.

Include a transcript and/or edit closed captioning on your video to ensure your presentation is accessible to colleagues of differing abilities. See the document: How to Upload a Video and a Transcript (PDF) in the Week 1 Resources

Respond by Day 7 to two colleagues who chose a different area of focus in beginning treatment in the following ways:

•             Explain how the DSM-5 Z codes (other conditions that may be a focus of clinical attention) identified in each post influenced your and your colleague’s decisions.

•             Share any insights you gained from watching your colleague’s video.

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00809895 Posted By: Ferreor Posted on: 11/23/2021 10:51 PM
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