WestCoast PSYC290 2021 November Assignments Latest (Full)

Question # 00814363 Posted By: Ferreor Updated on: 11/10/2021 08:09 PM Due on: 11/11/2021
Subject Psychology Topic General Psychology Tutorials:
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PSYC290 Life Span Psychology

Week 2 Assignment

Topic Proposal

The Research Paper Topic Proposal

This week, you will submit your research topic proposal to your instructor for approval.

Begin by exploring topics in developmental psychology. Reference your textbook, the weekly introductions in your course, and reputable journal articles to explore topic ideas. Be sure to choose a topic that you are highly interested in. From that topic, you will pose a question for your research.

For example, you may find interest in the life span of adolescence. From there, you may want to explore issues related to adolescent suicide. From this topic you could pose a number of questions to research, such as:

Are adolescents from single-parent homes at higher risk of suicide than those from two-parent homes?

Does lack of play in childhood lead to anxiety and depression in adolescence?

Does "helicopter parenting" lead to anxiety and depression in adolescence?

How to Develop a Research Question

Your research question should enable you draw some unique conclusions so that you are not simply reporting on research that has already been concluded. You may have to do some preliminary research within your topic to determine a suitable question. Here are some examples.

This example is too broad and will likely lead to a confusing and disorganized paper. It lacks parameters.

Why do adolescents commit suicide?

This example is too narrow. It can be answered rather simply with some basic data.

How many adolescent suicides occurred last year?

A good research question specifies the parameters of the research, yet leaves room for analysis and the writer’s unique input. 

What are some of the unique social factors that led to an increase in suicide rates among 13- to 18-year-old females in 2015?

(In your paper, you would define two to three social factors you deem significant and connect them with the appropriate physical, cognitive, and socioemotional occurrences happening during this part of life span development. Then, draw your own conclusions from the research you find.)

Once you have your research question, phrase it as a statement so that it can become your thesis statement. The thesis statement is what drives the direction of your paper.

The Research Paper Topic Proposal Assignment

Include the following in your topic proposal:

Your research question

Your thesis statement

A narrative describing your topic and why you chose it (its significance)

Refer to the Writing Resources link under the Student Resources tab for help with writing thesis statements and research questions, and consult your West Coast University librarians for database search support as needed.


PSYC290 Life Span Psychology

Week 3 Assignment

Annotated Bibliography

The Annotated Bibliography 

The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate progress in compiling research and to indicate a methodology for organizing your research sources.

Include the following in your annotated bibliography:

APA citations and annotations for four (4) sources you deem relevant to answering your research question and addressing your thesis; however, you are only required to reference three (3) scholarly sources in your final research paper.

For each source:

List the source in proper APA format. The references should be organized in alphabetical order by author as on an APA bibliography page.

Follow the source with a brief annotation that summarizes the source information (approximately 3–5 sentences). You may quote briefly from the source,

but do not copy and paste from the abstract. Include internal citations as needed.

In 1 or 2 sentences, explain and evaluate the source’s relevance and significance to your thesis. Does the information from this source support

or discredit your thesis? 

Use an academic tone and style.

Visit these sources to learn more about the annotated bibliography


PSYC290 Life Span Psychology

Week 4 Assignment

Research Paper Outline

The Research Paper Outline

The purpose of this assignment is to draft and submit a complete, organized, detailed outline of your research paper in APA format, with sources cited and referenced accurately.

Adhere to the following guidelines for drafting and submitting your outline:

Use standard alphanumeric outline format

Include your thesis at the top of the page before you start your outline

Include APA in-text citations for at least three scholarly sources

Include an APA formatted reference page

Include a title page

Use current APA Style throughout

To learn more about outlines visit the Writing Resources link under the Student Resources tab.


PSYC290 Life Span Psychology

Week 5 Assignment

Nature/Nurture Debate Paper

The nature/nurture debate within psychology is concerned with the extent to which particular aspects of behavior are a product of either inherited (genetic) or acquired (learned) characteristics. This exercise will help you explore that debate by looking at one specific behavior, aggression.

Bandura's (1977) social learning theory states that aggression is learned from the environment through observation and imitation (nurture). He concludes this, in part, from the results of his famous Bobo doll experiment (Bandura, 1961). Review the Bobo experiment here: Bobo (Links to an external site.) Experiment (Links to an external site.).

Reflect on the following issues:

Where do you stand on the nature/nurture debate? Is aggression a learned behavior? Please provide specific examples to your point of view.

Discuss your thoughts on the experiment and its relevance to the debate. Do you see any potential flaws or underlying factors that may not be reflected in the analysis here?

Suggest at least one implication for society if children do learn predominantly by imitation. 

Write a 2–3 page paper (not including the title page and reference page) referencing at least two sources (you may cite the website provided here for the Bobo doll experiment as one of your sources. Refer to the Bobo doll experiment, but do not summarize it.)

Use current APA Style and include a title page and reference page.


PSYC290 Life Span Psychology

Week 6 Assignment

Case Study

Alex is having his first session with a counselor and is recounting his life history:

I’ve just turned 20. I finished high school about two years ago, and I have been lost since then. I was diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder when I was five, and it has been a struggle since then. My mother stayed home to take care of me full time. Through her effort, I thrived. I was in the gifted program from the first grade to high school. I started taking ADHD medications when I was 11. I quit taking them after I graduated high school. I suffered from severe depression to the point that I attempted to hurt myself three times. The only reason I’m still living is because of my mom. She loved me unconditionally, no matter what. I've had jobs here and there, but I always ended up getting fired. I now live independently, sort of, with my friends. Most of the time, my mom pays for the rent. I have a girlfriend who I get along with, and I think we are pretty solid. I am applying for jobs, but I hate being with people. I hate being in school; I think it is a colossal waste of money.

My sister is a nurse. She is my mom’s star kid- accomplished and successful. My only accomplishment is my car- I love working with my car, although it's older than me and it cost a lot of money to fix. I love driving it because I feel free when I am driving. I love playing video games, too. It's a community that never leaves you, and I feel a great sense of belongingness with them. I can be myself when I am playing with my friends. It’s an escape for me -an emotional vacation. However, I am turning 21 soon. The pressure is getting to be too high for me to be financially independent. I don't know what to do, where to start, or even how to start. That's the reason why I am here.

In 4-5 paragraphs, answer the following questions. Use at least two sources and cite them using APA format:

Why might Alex be finding it particularly difficult to find a job?

Alex regards himself as a lost person. What are the factors that you believe have contributed to him feeling this way?

Please write about the following: What parts of Alex’s story reminds you of your own experience in your adolescence or emerging adulthood years?

How do general theories of human growth and development relate to a young person like Alex?

What effect might Alex’s ADHD have on his development?

What concepts of human growth and development are relevant to him?


PSYC290 Life Span Psychology

Week 8 Assignment

Final Research Paper

The purpose of this assignment is to draft and submit a comprehensive and complete APA research paper. The paper is written to report on that research and offer answer(s) to the original question.

Include the following in your 4–5 page (not including the required cover page or reference pages) final paper:


Title page


Pose the research question (introduction) Discuss the thesis/present the information and research /draw conclusions (body)

Reference page with a minimum of three scholarly references and appropriately used in-text citations for each

Be sure to plan enough time for proofreading and editing. Use current APA style.

Visit the Writing Resources link under the Student Resources tab for additional help.

PSYC290 Life Span Psychology

Week 10 Assignment

Life Span Interview Paper

Identify two people or a caregiver (as in the case of an infant), who represent two different stages of the life span—ideally, two who do not identify with your own current stage of life span development—and set up an brief 15–20 minute interview with them for this assignment. For example, select an adolescent and a senior in late adulthood, or the parent of a newborn and a child in late childhood.

Conversationally interview these two people in order to compare what you have learned here in class, through the textbook, lectures, and videos, with their perception of what it is actually like to be in their stage of life.

Interviews may be done via phone, Skype, email, etc. Take notes or record (with permission) your interview. 

Below are some suggestions for your conversation. You do not need to cover all of these topics in your paper, but they will help you shape your discussion. Be sure to note which topics you discuss.

In your write up, tell us the gender, age, identified life stage of development, and cultural identification(s) of the individuals you interviewed. Be sure to maintain each individual’s privacy and confidentiality when asked to do so. Summarize the topics you discussed and share your interviewees' responses (you may paraphrase and quote).

In your paper, after you have shared what the interviewees discussed, share your thoughts on the process of talking with someone about their place in the life span. Did you learn anything from your conversations that you did not learn in the academic materials? How accurate do you think psychologists have been in identifying and classifying the different life stages? Explain.

Your paper should be 2–4 pages long not including the title and reference pages.

Be sure to include a brief introduction and a conclusion to your paper.

Use current APA Style throughout, include a title page, cite your interviews parenthetically within the paper, and include a reference page for any other resources you use, such as your text or course materials.

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Tutorials for this Question
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