TSL4081 Instructional Activity: Concluding Report

TSL4081 (Instructional Activity: Concluding Report)
Concluding Report
Criteria Ratings Pts
6 pts
7 pts
2 pts
Start Assignment
The concluding report is a reflection on your work with your Emergent Bilingual. Write an essay of 500-750 words that includes analysis of each lesson separately. Consider what well in the lesson, what you would improve upon, and what you wouldn’t do again in the future.
After the reflection on each lesson, conclude your essay with your thoughts on the instructional activity as a whole. Provide thoughtful responses to these questions:
We looked at the idea of Culturally Relevant Pedagogy. How will the interview experience impact your approach to teaching EBs in the classroom? The interview provided the data for an informal diagnostic assessment. Do you feel confident that you will be able to assess the language levels and skills of EBs in your classroom? Working with EBs in the mainstream classroom involves the development of language while learning content. What is your understanding of the importance of creating language, as well as content, objectives for your students? What knowledge do you take from the experience that will help you create language objectives adapted for EBs at varying ESOL levels?
Lesson reflections
Your comments indicate thoughtful reflection on the performance of the lesson, including critical analysis of what worked and what didn’t, what you'd do again and what you'd avoid doing in the future.
6 pts Full Marks
0 pts No Marks
General Reflection
You provide thoughtful responses to each of the questions in the instructions. 7 pts Full Marks
0 pts No Marks
You show evidence that you revised your essay before submitting it! Good organization, well-crafted sentences, accuracy in spelling, grammar and punctuation.
2 pts Full Marks
0 pts No Marks

Solution: TSL4081 Instructional Activity: Concluding Report