Part 1,2 - Pulse-taking: Organizational Climate

Question # 00852300 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 03/22/2024 10:12 PM Due on: 03/23/2024
Subject General Questions Topic General General Questions Tutorials:
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Part 1 - Pulse-taking: Organizational Climate

For this week, you are using a mental filter to assess your organization.  You want to “see” what people are doing, and become aware of issues that may interfere with productivity or relationships.  In organizations, you should be able to “take the pulse” of your organization through observation. 

For this week’s assignment select an organization that you are most familiar with (your place of employment, a civic organization, a community organization.)

Write a paper with the below criteria:

1.    Background

·         Provide a brief background on this organization

·         Provide an explanation of why this organization is a good fit to include in this capstone final project.

2.    Select an area that you, as a leader, would be concerned about

·         In this part, select one area of concern that you, as a leader, would have (for example, employee satisfaction, training, innovation, lack of a staff development programs, etc.) and would need to be changed.

3.    Leadership Behavior and Style

·         Compare and Contrast the different leadership behavior and styles that would best suit minimizing your concern.  Reflect back over what you have learned so far in this MS Leadership program to aid you in determining which behavior and style you would subscribe to in this scenario to improve the organizational climate. 

Save this assignment to aid you in completing Week 8’s Final Project.

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

·         Write between 2-3 pages using Microsoft Word in APA style.

·         Use font size 12 and 1” margins.

·         Include cover page, in-text citations and References page (if applicable)

·         At least 80% of your paper must be original content/writing.

·         No more than 20% of your content/information may come from references.

Part 2 – Scholarly Articles

After you have completed Part 1 – Organizational Climate, conduct scholarly research and analysis. These five articles will be used for References page and in-text citations for the final project.  

Using EBSCOhost, explore the leadership literature regarding ethical codes, professional misconduct, and leadership approaches that relate to your Part 1- Organizational Climate.  Find at least three articles published within the past five years for this annotated bibliography. 

Your task is to prepare an annotated bibliography of these three articles.  An annotated bibliography consists of the APA style citation of the article, a brief overview of the authors’ credentials, a summary of the article, and your notes about how this article is useful (i.e. how you intend to apply the information you gleaned). 

Remember that our underlying objective is for you to become familiar with the current literature of the field (as a professional must do to keep abreast of current trends), and to apply what you have learned.

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00847780 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 03/22/2024 10:13 PM
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