Topographic Maps Lake of the Ozarks

Topographic Maps * Lake of the Ozarks
Use a map scale of 1:24,000
1. What is the contour interval of this map?
2. Number all of the contour lines from the edge of the lake up to the Hahatonka Castle. What is the elevation of the contour line that surrounds the castle?
3. What is the lowest elevation of the Red Sink?
4. What is the highest elevation on the map?
5. What is the lowest elevation on the map?
6. What is the maximum relief of the map area?
7. Highlight the two streams on this map with a blue pencil and add arrows to indicate the direction of flow.
8. Find the footpath marked by dashed lines that starts near the word “spring” on the map.
a. Travelling south along the path from spring, what is the elevation of the first contour you come to?
b. What is the elevation of the path where it crosses the intermittent stream?
c. If you take the east fork, what is the elevation of the last contour line before the path runs off the page?
d. What is the distance in miles for the section of path from the start near spring to the intermittent stream?
e. What is the distance in miles of the section of path from the intermittent stream to the finish at the south?
f. Calculate the gradient of the section of path north of the stream.
g. Calculate the gradient of the section of path south of the stream.
h. Which of the two sections of path will be the more strenuous to walk? Why?
9. On the graph paper provided, construct a topographic profile from the Hahatonka castle to the 673 benchmark using a vertical scale of 1 in = 40 feet.
10. What is the vertical exaggeration of the profile?
11. Construct a second topographic profile on the same grid using a vertical scale of 1 in = 80 feet.
12. What is the vertical exaggeration of the second profile?

Solution: Topographic Maps Lake of the Ozarks