Geography - Environmental challenges, explain important dimensions

Question # 00846992 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 10/20/2023 02:15 AM Due on: 10/20/2023
Subject Geography Topic General Geography Tutorials:
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Environmental challenges, explain important dimensions of this environmental challenge, and discuss some sustainable solutions developed by humans to address it. Use the article and video for your selected topic, below, and two additional authored sources(one of which needs to be a peer-reviewed research article) to develop a paper that addresses the following:

  • Describe the issue: To what extent does this phenomenon constitute an environmental challenge? What are the main characteristics of this challenge?
  • Explain the importance of human activities: To what extent is this challenge the result of human activities? How in turn does this challenge impact (or will further impact in the foreseeable future) human activities?
  • Describe possible actions: What types of sustainable solutions can humans develop to address or at least reduce this environmental challenge?

This paper should be at least 750 words, double-spaced (not including the title page and reference list) in current-edition APA format.

MUST USE SOURCES BELOW and two additional authored sources(one of which needs to be a peer-reviewed research article)

Watch: Vox. (2018, August 6). How "levee wars" are making floods worse [Video]. Youtube.

Read: O’Connell, P. M. (2019, May 17). Farmers and officials in Illinois and Missouri are desperately battling floodwaters along the Mississippi River. They’re also battling each other. Chicago Tribune.

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00842458 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 10/20/2023 02:16 AM
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