Summarize your client’s case. Then, search for three EBP articles from a nursing journal published

Question # 00809892 Posted By: spqr Updated on: 08/26/2021 10:26 PM Due on: 08/28/2021
Subject Architecture Topic Architectural Visualization Tutorials:
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This is the complete assignment. The case study is the one below which you will use  in the evidence based practice.  



Summarize your client’s case. Then, search for three EBP articles from a nursing journal published within the last 3 years. Using these articles, describe how you could use these best practices to improve the care you provide to this patient. Information shared should aim to restore, maintain, or promote health and wellness for the assigned patient. Utilize learning resources available through Rasmussen Online library. Include title page, APA citations, and a reference list. This section should be at least two full pages in length. 

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