Statistics Research Critique

Question # 00750303 Posted By: mac123 Updated on: 01/31/2020 05:22 AM Due on: 01/31/2020
Subject Mathematics Topic Algebra Tutorials:
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Statistics Research Critique

  • Due Feb 9 by 11:59pm
  • Points 65
  • Submitting a file upload

 This assignment will consist of a quantitative article critique with a focus on the methods, statistics, analysis and interpretation.  It will be important to analyze and evaluate the article not just summarize - for example it is not enough to say the sample size was adequate.  You should state the sample size and state why you know it was adequate.  Do NOT cut/paste from the article- this is YOUR interpretation and analysis of the article.  If you use Polit or another source to substantiate your comment, then reference the source.  Do not include quotes in the critique. 

If you want more specifics to help you with the critique: check out Polit & Beck, (2017) on p:291- guideline for critiquing data collection plans in quantitative studies and structured data collection methods;  371- guideline for critiquing descriptive studies, p. 399-guideline for critiquing bivariate inferential analyses, p. 457- guideline for critiquing interpretations in discussion sections of quantitative research reports.  These guidelines break down the components of the critique process for quantitative research.

Research Critique Introduction

Research Critique Introduction Transcript.docx

This assignment enables the learners to meet Course SLO #1

Please submit a copy of the critique here. 

Example:  article: Surgical Patient Satisfaction A Descriptive and Correlational Study.pdf

sample onlydo not use. Example critique from above article: Sample+critique rubric.1.6.2019.docx

Quantitative Critique Rubric 12.30.2018 v2.docx

Choose from the list of articles attached.  DO NOT USE YOUR OWN ARTICLE. YOU MUST CHOOSE FROM THE ARTICLES BELOW:

NP Secondary prevention intervention.pdf

NP knowledge and self efficacy pediatric obesity.pdf

NP Effectiveness and diabetes.pdf

2012 Effects of Using Simulation Versus CD ROM in the Performance of Ultrasound Guided Regional Anesthesia.pdf



Quantitative Critique Rubric:Short version


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