Statistics - Find and select your data. You are responsible

Question # 00848871 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 12/20/2023 09:25 PM Due on: 12/21/2023
Subject Statistics Topic General Statistics Tutorials:
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Statistics Final Project

Due: December 21, 2023

In this course you have learned a lot about collecting and analyzing data.

In this section you will explore a topic of interest to you. You will decide on two variables of interest and gather the data, present your findings in a two-three page essay where you create a visual representation of your findings, and perform calculations to support your findings.

For example: Is there a correlation between shoe size and height?

1. Find and select your data. You are responsible for finding data. Check with Professor Davis to be sure the data you have selected would be a good fit for the project. Some sites to check for possible data include the following: Varied Statistics - lr/frames/frame.html Major League Baseball Stats – NFL Stats – NBA Stats –

2. Create a scatter plot. You need to verify the presence of a relationship between the two variables. Make a scatter plot with these two variables, and show your independent and dependent variables. Draw the line of best fit. Describe the relationship. Find the equation of the least squares line. Create the residual graph and describe the data. Is it a good fit?

3. Find the correlation coefficient, r, and the coefficient of determination, r2. What percentage of variation in y is explained by the least squares model? What percent is not explained?

4. Make conclusions. Explain the significance of your results and how you can interpret them (next step). You will need to examine the results of your regression and describe what sort of correlation exists. Is there a strong, weak, or no correlation in the data?

Alternate Data Set Dorothy Kelly sells life insurance for the Prudence Insurance Company. She sells insurance by making visits to her clients' homes. Dorothy believes that the number of sales should depend, to some degree, on the number of visits made. For the past several years, she has kept a careful record of the number of visits (x) she makes each week and the number of people (y) who buy insurance that week. For a random sample of 15 such weeks, the x and y values follow:

x 11 19 16 13 28 5 20 14 22 7 15 29 8 25 16

y 3 11 8 5 8 2 5 6 8 3 5 10 6 10 7


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  1. Tutorial # 00844334 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 12/20/2023 09:26 PM
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